How Dare You

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It has been weeks and the feelings of Cat Noir/Adrien started to grow stronger and stronger each time he sees or meets up with Ladybug. His heart starts to race and he starts to blush just thinking of her smile. 

Plagg then flew to his shoulder and said while eating his delicious camembert, "Adrien Adrien Adrien, your face is red like a tomato again, let me guess your thinking about her again arent you?" Plagg asked while raising an eyebrow and munching on his camembert. Adrien stopped his daydream and looked at Plagg with an embarrassed look. "U-uh um no ut's just hot and a-all yea," Adrien said while he runs to open his window. 

Plagg rolled his eyes and said, "Kid you can't deny your feeling for this mysterious girl of yours, You don't have to tell me but I know you have feelings for her so just stop acting like your not, and just ask her out already!" Plagg screamed and hid as Gabriel entered his room. 

Adrien let out a deep sigh and looked into his father's eyes "good moring father, is there a problem?" Adrien asked while offering his father a seat, "Oh no son, I just wanted to check on you since you've been quiet lately and it worried me, but don't worry when we defeat Ladybug we both will bring back your mother." Adrien looked away, "Father I have to tell you s-"

He then gets cut off by Nathalie saying, "Sir your meeting will start in ten mins, we both have to get going, sorry for cutting you Adrien but you both will have dinner together at five to six." Adrien placed on a fake smile and gave his father a weak hug and brought them out of his room.

As he saw his father and Nathalie enter the car and left the mansion, he quickly took a quick bath and wore jeans, a dark green shirt with a black leather hoodie on. He placed on his shoes and told his bodyguard he'll be back home around five in the afternoon. He then jumped into his car with Plagg by his side and drove off. 

As Adrien stopped in a red light Plagg flew and sat on the stirring wheel and said while eating his camembert, "Adrien where are you planning to go?" "Ugh well, I remember Marinette telling Alya that she'll work in the bakery and I wanted to at least meet up with a friend, so I thought of visiting her today and bring her out AS FRIENDS." Plagg gave looked at Adrien with a smirk and sat on Adrien's golden locks, "Kid, do you have feelings for Marinette?" 

Adrien looked at plagg and said, "what no she's just a good friend, well I look at her like she's my BEST FRIEND." Plagg face slammed his face and said under his breath, "God help this blonde boy's head!" 

As they arrived in the bakery he saw Marinette sorting out the freshly baked pastries, he then got out of his car and entered Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. As he got in he smelled the good aroma of the freshly baked goods and a calm sweet voice saying, "Good afternoon welcome to the best bakery in Paris, my name is Marinette and I'll be your server for today! What can I get for you Mr. AGRESTE?" 

Marinette dropped the empty trays on the floor and quickly picked them up and apologizing at the same time. Adrien smiled and helped Marinette up, "Hi Marinette, sorry for bothering you I just wanted to visit you since I didn't want to be alone and I had nobody to spend time with, so I thought to come and visit you." Adrien said while offering Marinette a seat. 

Marinette smiled and sat on the seat Adrien was offering to her. "So who did you know I live here?" Adrien placed his drink down and said "Oh I didn't know you lived here, I just heard you say to Alya that you would be working here." Marinette giggled "Yea I live here, my parents own this bakery, I'm just here to help them out!" Adrien smiled furthermore both he and Marinette had a long and deep chat, it has been hours and Adrien just stayed seated laughing and having a fun time taking. 

When the clock hit five, he sighed since he didn't want to go and end the conversation here, he stood up and told Marinette that he needed to go, she smiled and walked him out of the bakery, when he was about to enter his car Marinette said: "Thanks for passing by, just come here anytime you want to talk!" Adrien smiled and felt his heart beating fast, he quickly ran out of his car and gave Marinette his business card, "Here message me when your free so we can catch on together!" Marinette nodded her head and gave Adrien a warm hug and waved him goodbye. 

As Marinette watched Adrien drive off she just smiled looking at his business card and said to Tikki, "Oh look I just made a new close friend!" Tikki smiled and said, "Do you like him Marinette?" Marinette looked at Tikki and said, "no Tikki you know my heart belongs to Cat Noir, Adrien is just a friend." Tikki giggled and both Marinette and Tikki ran inside the bakery to close the shop. As they closed the shop Tikki told Marinette to at least try to message Adrien and to start a small chat. Marinette winked at Tikki and said, "Yea of course I'll message him when I'm about to sleep." Tikki smiled and ran to the jar of cookies.

On the road, Adrien looked at Plagg who was looking at him already, and said, "Adrien you sounded so cheesy back there and when I was hiding behind your jacket I could feel your heartbeat going fast and it was hot like you were seating!" Adrien looked at Plagg when they both arrived inside the mansion and said "Plagg fine look, I have feelings for Ladybug but Marinette she, she reminds me of someone I know but I can't think of who." Plagg then pulls Adrien's shirt and pointed his finger to Gabriel who was already seated at the dining table. 

Adrien said under his breath and said "Oh shoot I completely forgot about dinner, I mean he doesn't join me for dinner." Adrien quickly placed down his stuff in his room and ran down to the dining room and took a seat on the far end of the table. "Son your kind of late for dinner, what took you long. Anyways I don't have time to know what you did today but I have a new plan to defeat Ladybug." 

Adrien just had enough with his father's commands and him controlling his as Cat Noir, he slammed his hands on the table and said in a firm voice, "Father you may hate me for this but I had enough with these super villain things. I don't want to work for you or to be Cat Noir like this!" 

Gabriel's eyes darkened and shouted into Adrien's face "NO ONE IN THIS FAMILY TALKS OR SPEAKS TO ME LIKE THAT, I DIDNT RAISE A SON LIKE YOU!" Adrien pushed his chair and said  "Father I don't want to fight, lie, or backstab the love of my life! I don't want to be Cat Noir for bad reasons! I am in love with Ladybug and nobody can or will change that including you" 

Gabriel stood up and slapped Adrien's face "You disobeyed me son, no son of mine does these things! HOW DARE YOU pick the side of our enemy! HOW DARE YOU pick a useless girl over your mother! HOW DARE YOU act like this, you are a disgrace to this family!" Adrien then leaves the dining room and shuts the door behind him and goes straight to his room. 

All the past anger and pain Adrien was feeling was normal, but this one hits different, he then shouts his anger out and hits the side of his walls. After a few mins of relating his anger, he slowly slid into his bed and looked up to his ceiling, and asked Plagg "why is my father like this, does he even love me, or is he only using me to get what he wants." 

Plagg caressed Adrien's cheek and comforted him and tried to calm him down more, Adrien felt better and thanked Plagg for everything, he then stood up gave Plagg a whole camembert secretly, and took a nice warm bath before getting to bed. As he flopped into his bed tired and in pain, he got a notification from an unknown number, he opened it and it said...

"Hii Adrien, this is Marinette 😆 you gave me your business card and I wanted to check on you or to make sure this isn't a joke hahaha." 

Adrien smiled and rolled over to the side of his bed and replied saying...

"Heyy Marinette, haha this isn't a joke. I'm glad we get to talk, I'll try to pass by next week! I am good for now thanks for asking or checking on me😁" 

Then both Marinette and Adrien started to messages each other until both of them slept into each other's messages. 

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