Final Battle

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(I'm bad at writing fighting scenes so please bear with me hehe...)

Ladybug slightly woke up and gained back some of her senses with a sting on her head and as her vision got back she saw Cat Noir holding her tight and his soft and gentle words saying "Ladybug wake up, you're ok, Hawkmoth's down for now! Please don't leave me, I-I love you too." 

As Cat Noir looked down at her his eyes filled with tears he couldn't see a thing and he didn't care, he felt a warm touch from his face and as he looked back he saw Ladybug smiling while pulling his face closer to hers, "Kitty, please don't cry, I don't like seeing you like this it hurts m-me even more seeing you in such pain."  

"You're awake!" Cat Noir said as he pulls her up for a hug and said "I'm so so sorry I didn't want to do this in the first place but father h-he contro-" Ladybug placed a finger on his lips and said, "shhh it's fine Kitty, you don't have to apologize it's just that-" They both get interrupted as they saw Hawkmoth running towards them. 

They both stood up from their positions and positioned themselves on how they're going to fight back, "M'lady stay behind me I don't want to see you get hurt! It's a fight between his own father and son, so please stay out of this!" Ladybug having a stubborn head, "No Cat I'm fighting with you, I don't want to just stand there and watch you get hurt! Trust me!" 

Cat Noir let out a deep sigh and looked deep into Ladybug's eyes and said "Ok, but please watch over yourself, I can't bear losing you, I want to stay with you till our last breath!" Ladybug felt butterflies on her belly and her heart flutter, "Ok kitty but I can't keep a promise, but I will always be with you!" Cat Noir smiled and as he was about to face his father, Ladybug shouted "Cat Noir behind you!" 

He looked back and used his baton as a shield, Ladybug ran to the corner and said to herself, "We'll need back up", so she dialed 17 (Message me if I am wrong :) )  So they when they have defeated Hawkmoth the police can go and arrest him for what he has done to Paris for the past couple of years. 

As she was done failing and telling the police where to go, Cat Noir screamed "Ladybug watch out!" She doudged the fist and the staff of Hawkmoth and rolled herself far away from him and hid behind the the coffin of Cat Noir's mother.

 "Come here little lady, we're not done yet!" Hawkmoth said while looking for Ladybug. Cat Noir then used his baton and slamped it on Hawkmoth's back to get his attention, "Son why are you taking her side!" Cat Noir ignored him and continued to fight his father. 

Ladybug on the other hand got shocked to see his mother in a coffin-like that, She stood up and said "Lucky Charm!" As she got her lucky charm she was given a handkerchief or a piece of cloth, "What in the world will I use this?" She went back to her hiding stop and looked around on how she can use her lucky charm. 

Going to Cat Noir and Hawkmoth, They were fighting and throwing themselves around, As soon as Hawkmoth pushed his son off him, he quickly grabbed a broken glass and was about to stab him, Ladybug saw and ran screaming "Cat Noir watch out!" 

Before he got hit, Ladybug ran and wrapped her arms around him and other then him getting stab, she got pierced right on her belly. "NOOOOOO!" Cat Noir screamed as he saw her figile body fall right into his arms and his father backing out. "Y-YOU YOU MONSTER!" Cat Noir said while tears falling down and looking around for help "Help please somebody! I-I can't lose you, please stay! GOD ITS ALL MY FAULT! NOOOO LADYBUG! I'm so sorry, please stay with me!" 

He looked around and saw his father de transformed and started packing all his stuff up "We aren't done!" Cat Noir said as his eye's turned dark and all the anger started to grow inside of him. 

Then the big door was smashed open and all the cops and police ran inside and grabbed Gabriel right before he got escape, "Cat Noir we got- Oh my gosh what happened to Ladybug?!" Cat Noir looked at them and said "Take him away, I'll take care of him later, I'll have to save my lady first!" The cops and police nodded their heads and focus their attention on Gabriel and sent him out. 

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