One Year Celebration

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It was a nice Saturday afternoon, Marinette and Tikki were packing all the stuff for their one-year partnership celebration with Cat Noir. "Tikki! I'll make the lemonade can you please pack the croissants and the macarons please." Tikki smiled and flew to the kitchen and asked Sabine for the croissants and macaroons and placed them in a container. 

While Tikki and Marinette were done packing up she quickly ran to her parents and gave them a kiss and a hug and shouted while turning into Ladybug "ma! pa! I'll be home around midnight. Don't worry about me, I trust him!" Sabine and Tom smiled and kissed Marinette on her forehead and helped Ladybug out of her room.  

While Ladybug landed on one of the nice view in pairs, she quickly set up the place for their one-year celebration, she fixed the table, the food, and played nice classical music. Going to Adrien, he waited for his father to go to bed and Nathalie to leave the mansion, he quickly opened his phone and played one of his favourite piano pieces and transformed into Cat Noir and jumped out his window with a bouquet of red flowers, sandwiches and his gift for ladybug. 

It has been an hour when Ladybug finished setting up the place, she got scared cause she thought that Cat Noir won't show up to her invite for their one-year celebration. She let out a big sigh and when she was about to pack she heard someone land on their feet and said "Well hello M'lady, sorry I took long I had to wait for everyone to go to bed." Cat Noir said while scratching his neck and giving Ladybug the bouquet and the sandwiches he made. 

Ladybug smiled and leaded Cat Noir to his seat, "Thanks for coming, I got kind of worried cause I thought you wouldn't show up to our one-year celebration." Ladybug said while pouring lemonade into Cat Noir's cup, "Oh I'm so sorry Ladybug, I wouldn't do that to anyone especially to you." Cat Noir said while thanking Ladybug. She quickly looked away with a smile on her face to hide her cheeks turning red. 

While Ladybug and Cat Noir were taking, Ladybug couldn't stop looking into Cat Noir's eyes, Cat Noir noticed and found it cute so he won't even bother or tell Ladybug that she's obviously looking deep into his eyes. He had a small blush that went through his cheeks but he didn't mind since it was at night and it wouldn't be too obvious. 

"So Ladybug let's get to know each other more, well not in a way that our identity will be exposed and all but yea so how are you and how old are you?" Cat Noir said while taking a bite of his croassant. Ladybug smiled and said "Oh it's fine I guess, well I'm doing good so far, and I'm 20 years old, how about you kitty? How are you and how old are you?" Ladybug asked while looking into Cat Noir's eyes, "O-oh um well I guess I'm also good, I'm 21 years old." Ladybug smiled and let out a small giggle.

Cat Noir smiled and thought to himself, "She's so cute when she giggles and the way she parts her hair is just so amazing." Cat Noir smiled and said, "So Ladybug what do you want to become when you grow up?" Ladybug stayed silent for a few mins and Cat Noir thought it was a bad idea asking that so question, so when he was about to apologies Lasybug said...

"Oh um I really want to become a fashion designer, well this might sound stupid but I really love the work of Gabriel Agreste he's like my idol! I have all his books and more." Cat Noir smiled and had said "Oh wow, that's cool you really admire him a lot yeah?" Ladybug smiled and nodded her head, Cat Noir blushed and said

 "Well he's luckily to  have a fan like you then."

 "You think so?" 

"Yea I know so!" 

Ladybug smiled, she then asked Cat Noir, "So how's your family your mom and dad?" Cat Noir faced changed as he heard that question, Ladybug saw and started to apologies saying she didn't mean to ask such questions. Cat Noir smiled and said "no it's all good m'lady, My mom died or maybe not really she's um well my dad said she's in a deep sleep and were trying to get her back." Cat Noir said with a tear falling down from his eyes. 

Ladybug felt bad so she stood up and gave Cat Noir a tight hug and said "Oh I'm so sorry to hear this Kitty, I bet she'll feel better soon! I didn't mean to bring up this topic, I don't like seeing you like this, I'm so sorry. Also have something for you, it's not big and all but I hope you'll like it." Cat Noir broke the hug an said with a smile on his face, "Oh m'lady it's not your fault so you don't have to apologies, and you know you didn't have to get me anything, but I also have something for you!" Ladybug smiled and pulled Cat Noir next to her so he could sit right next to her to watch the nice view of the eiffel tower. 

"So um I hope you'll like this, here!' Ladybug then brings out a bag and give it to Cat Noir, while he opened it, it was a hat with cat eats, "Well it's winter and it's cold outside so I made you this hat and it fits perfectly with your cat ears! Oh and I also made you a cake! I'll be right back  I'll just get it." Cat Noir blushed and quick;ly wore the hat sh made, Ladybug went back and looked at Cat Noir. "Yay I'm glad you like it!" Cat Noir smiled and said "Thank you so much! I love it and yes this makes me warm thank you again." 

She then gave Cat Noir the small cake and it says You are the best paw-ter ever! Cat Noir smiled while a red blush went though his face and gave Ladybug a hug, "Oh and I almost forgot I have camebert for Plagg." Cat Noir thanks Ladybug and gave her one last hug and said "haha you really prepared these all, well here's my gift!" 

He then brings out a small box and inside was necklace of a ladybug and a cat paw. "OH MY GOSH, CAT NOIR THIS LOOKS SO EXPENSIVE! THANK YOU SO MUCH I'LL WEAR IT RIGHT NOW AND I WON'T REMOVE IT!" Cat blushed even more and said 'I'm glad you love it m'lady, but then what happens if I'll see you walk around with it in civilian form with you wearing it?" 

"Oh don't worry Kitty, I'll wear it but I'll hide it under my shirt." Cat Noir smiled and then he looked at the time and it showed that it was 11:40 o'clock, "well m'lady it's getting pretty late, I'll help you pack up and we'llsee each other when there's a new akumatized villain." Ladybug smiled and both stood up and foxed erything up before leaving. "Bye Chaton1 Thank you so much for the gift and for showing up, it means a lot!" Ladybug said while preparing her yoyo, "Yea me too M'lady I enjoyed thank you and see you soon!"

he then brings out his baton and blows a flying kiss to ladybug and left the place, Ladybug blushed and she couldn't move her legs, she said to herself, he he blew a kiss t-to m-me! She then went back to her sences and swung her yoyo back to her balcony and de transformed into Marinette and went inside her room and took a quick bath. when she finished she pluped on  her bed with Tikki by her side and gave Tikki a macarron and both went fast asleep.


As he landed on his room, he heard footsteps coming towards his room so he quickly changed into his sleeping clothes and sat on his piano pretending to play a peice, he then gets a knock and allows that personin. It was his father, "Oh um hey father what are you doing here this late?" "Hi Adrien, but is it me asking you why you're still up late playig your piano." "Oh sorry father, I didn't mean to wake you up, um it's just that I couldn't sleep um so I played the piano." 

Adrien was ascred since he didn't want his father to know that he went out without him knowing to celebrate with Ladybug, "Oh it's alright Adrien I just wanted to check on you since you kept on playing the same piano peice over and over again." Adrien tuned around and saw the window open "Shoot" he said under his breath, as he saw Gabriel walking though his room to close the window and said "son why is your window open?" 

Adrien quickly thought of something and said "Oh um it's because it was so hot so I opened it to let the cool wind blow in." Gabriel smiled and said "Ok son but you must get some rest cause you will have a photoshoot tomorrow morning and I have anew plan for an akumatized person." Gabriel then closed the door and Adrien quickly placed his ear onhis door to make sure he heard his father enter his room. As she heard the door close shut he let out a deep sigh and hopped into his bed with Plagg. 

"Here Plagg Ladybug gave you this Camerbert as a gift." Plagg did his small party dance and grabbed his camerbert and kissed it before taking a big bite, "So kid, do yu like ladybug now?" Adrien looked at Plagg in a confused look and said "Well to be honest plagg I don't really know, just give me some time to think my feeling towards her, then I'll tell you my answer." Plagg sigh and flew right next to Adrien and said "Ok kid, just know I'm always here for you." 

Adrien smiled and thanked Plagg and both went fast asleep. 

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