Doctor Genius

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"Bye uncle Wang! Thank you so much for keeping an eye on me when my parents were gone for a while." Marinette said while hugging and dropping him off at the airport. "Thank you to Marinette! I had fun spending time with you too, hope to see you soon!" He then grabbed his luggage and went through the security door. Marinette called a cab and drove back to the bakery to meet her parents.

"Hi, mama! Hi papa! I missed you guys so much and I have a lot of stories to tell you both!" Marinette said as she quickly sat on the couch with her hands full of croissants. Sabine and Tom sat right in front of her and said "So honey what's the good news? Why so happy?" Sabie said while taking a sip out of her hot coffee. "Well ma, pa, I just found out that I have a new partner and it's the boy you said, um yea Cat Noir!" 

Sabine and Tom's face dropped and looked at Marinette speechless, "Oh um honey, t-that's good news, is he good?" Sabine asked while looking at Marinette with a concerned look, "haha yes mama, he's good! He helped me and he's nice, to be honest!" Tom held Sabine's hand as he saw her getting tense, "Well I'm happy for you sweetie, just make sure he treats you with respect and make sure you both trust each other." Tom said, Marinette smiled and gave Tom and Sabine a tight hug. 

Marinette and Tikki ran towards her room and messaged Alya. 

Mari = Heyy Alya! I'm bored and free today wanna go and hang out we can go and check out the new mall downtown! 

Alya = Heyy girl! Yes, I'll pick you up in 20 mins, I'll be waiting inside the bakery! I also heard that their stores there are really good so let's go and check them out!  

Mari = haha ok Alya! Can't wait to see you bye!

Alya = ok girl see you in 15 mins! I'll use my car by the way byee! 

Marinette then got dressed and wore jeans with a red crop top and a pair of black boots, she placed her hair in two buns and ran down to the bakery to wait for Alya. "Hey ma and pa! I'll be going to the new mall with Alya, she come and pick me up any mins now." "Ok sweetie just come home safely," Sabine said while giving Tikki some freshly baked cookies. 

Marinette then heard a honk coming from the outside and saw Alya waving her hand, "Hey MRS. and MR. Dupain cheng! I'm here to pick Marinette up, we're gonna go to the mall!" Marinette kissed both of her parents and quickly went inside Alya'a car. "Hey Alya, thanks for picking me up!" "No problem bestie anything for us to hang out or to meet!" While they were driving there, Alya and Marinette were jamming to the songs that were being played on the radio. 

As they both reached the mall, Alya and Marinette went straight to the first clothing store they saw. "Damn girl that hat suits you!" Alya said while looking through the shirts, "haha yea thanks Alya you too, that scarf matches your outfit!" Alya and Marinette giggled and bought some clothes and headed to a restaurant to have lunch. As they were seated down, they were given a flyer saying. 


"Yes! girl, we should go and check out this science fair! I bet there will be a lot of cool stuff to look at and Adrien will be there!" Alya said while smiling at Marinette, "haha yeah we should go and check it out! I mean we can support whoever's part o this science fair and I don't like Adrien...I might have an eye on someone else." Marinette said while taking a sip out of her drink. Alya looked at Marinette with a shocked face and started to burst out questions about this mysterious boy of hers who she's secretly crushing on. 

While Alya was asking a bunch of questions, Marinette just smiled and said "Alya relax I'll tell you soon!" Alya frowned and crossed her arms, " ugh fine, but you promise to tell me soon!" Marinette giggled and pinky promised Alya and finished her meal. While they were eating Marinette kept on thinking about Cat Noir and how brave, kind, and cute he looks. Alya noticed Marinette smiling out of the blue while playing with her food.  She smiled and rolled her eyes and called Marinette's attention. 

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