12. Paris, la ville de l'amour

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    "School is dismissed! You may go now. We have arrived in Paris, the home of the Pyras Clan." Conte Claudio announced. 

   All the heirs rose out of their seats and scrambled out of the classroom, eager to get away from their lessons. 

  "So, what can we do?" Ivy asked, flopping down on one of the benches as Red was being served into bowls.

  "Well, right now, I want to eat!" Tammo declared. 

 Everyone laughed.

  "Get ready." Lars looked at Alisa.

 "Get ready for what?" Alisa looked back, confusion written all over her face.

    "You'll see. I'm taking you out once the Sun is down. It will only be the two of us." Lars smiled before he engaged into a conversation with Malcolm and the younger heirs.

    Alisa felt giddy. She was excited and could hardly wait!

  Later, when everyone was in the dining area, Alisa slipped into the dormitory area to get ready. The Sun had just gone down.

  After getting changed into something different, she was just about to do her hair when the Dracas girls and Ivy walked in.

   "Ooh! What are you up to?" Ivy asked.

  "Oh! Umm..." Alisa couldn't take it anymore and blurted it out, "I'm going on a date with Lars!" 

    Ivy squealed and hugged her best friend.

  "Oh my days! What are you two going to be doing?" Ivy was hopping up and down.

 "I don't know. All he said was to get ready and that we're both going out." Alisa smiled.

    "I can do your hair for you if you want?" Fanny offered.

  "Would you?" Alisa looked grateful.

    "Of course! Now let's see..." Fanny came and started looking at Alisa's curls, "You haven't had your hair down on a long while, so how about he leave some down and I can do like a braid crown or something?"

   "Yeah, that'll be fine!" Alisa nodded.

  "Okay then! I'll have you done in no time! Lars will be like a lovesick puppy!" Fanny laughed.


    The date had gone really well. They had gone for a walk around Paris, but now, Alisa and Lars were taking a walk near the newly finished Eiffel Tower. 

    "Thank you, for the date. And everything." Alisa smiled.

   "No problem. I thought you'd like to get away for a while and just be the two of us." Lars wrapped an arm around her.

   "Well, you were right. It's nice just having only the two of us do things." Alisa leaned her head on his shoulder. 

   A comfortable silence followed as they stood looking at the Eiffel Tower. 

"How are things between you and your father right now?" Alisa asked.

  "Good! He's changed quite a bit." Lars shook his head in amusement, "How are things with your mum?" 

   "Great! Ever since we talked, things have been great. You know, you've impressed my mum." Alisa nudged him gently.

  "I know, I read her mind on several occasions." Lars laughed. 

"Listen, I've got something for you..." Lars broke the silence a few minutes later.

   "Really? What?" Alisa looked up at him.

  "Put your hand out." Lars instructed, "Don't look."

 Alisa felt something placed on her hand.

  When Lars took his hand away, she gasped.

 It was a gold locket in the shape of a heart on a thin gold chain.

   "Oh Lars! It's.... it's beautiful!" Alisa whispered.

 "It was my mother's. My father gave it to her after they got married." Lars explained softly. 

     "It's beautiful!" Alisa smiled, "Would you?" She asked, handing the necklace to him.

  He nodded and place the locket around her neck.

    "I love you." Alisa said as she turned to look at him again.

   "I love you too." Lars smiled before he pulled her into a kiss.


    "So how was it?" Ivy pressed.

  Alisa was in the dormitory area with Ivy, Inger and Fanny while Lars, Malcolm and Nicu were with the younger heirs.

  "It was great! And he gave me this." Alisa displayed what was now her locket.

  "Wow! So pretty!" Ivy's eyes widened.

 "He said it belonged to his mother." Alisa looked down at it.

 "Awww, that's so sweet!" Ivy gushed.

    "It was made especially for his mum." Inger said.

  "Really?" Alisa looked up.

     "Yeah." Fanny nodded, confirming.

    A loud thud was heard from the dining area. 

     "What's going on?" Alisa asked, rising from her place on one of the benches.

   "I don't know." Fanny was just as confused.



     There you are! So sorry for the long wait

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     There you are! So sorry for the long wait.... and sorry for the cliffhanger!!! XD

   I'll see you all in the next chapter!!!

    Claire xxx💙

A Dracas and a Vamalia {Heirs of the Night} Lars x AlisaWhere stories live. Discover now