2. The Elizabetha

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 A/N You may need Google translate for this chapter... and maybe the first chapter.


    Alisa smiled in awe, looking around her as she was helped on board the ship. 

     A few of the Elders of the remaining Clans were standing at the railing on the Quarter Deck.

  Her Grandmother was greeting and talking with a man who she heard to be addressed as 'Sir Milton'. 

    Baron Magnus climbed on board the ship behind her and immediately looked up at the Quarter Deck, spotting someone.

   "Lars. Hva gjør du på dekk?" He roared, marching up the steps and grabbing the boy by the neck. " Kom deg inn. Nwo!" He ordered, dragging the boy down from the Quarter Deck. 

  "Hvordan kan jeg lære noe nyttig hvis jeg alltid er under dekk??" The boy complained, frowning as he descended the staris.  Baron Magnus grabbed the boy's shoulder and swung him round to face him. "Ikke tvil på meg. Gå inn nå." He ordered. 

    Alisa stood by, watching in shock. Worry and concern crept over her face as she caught the boy's eye before he was taken below deck by the Dracas shadow, Karen. 

   Baron Magnus turned to glare and growl at Alisa and Tammo before heading up to the Quarter Deck. Alisa turned to look at the other Elders who were up there.

    Alisa found that a couple were looking at her. A man and a lady.

  Dame Elina came and ushered her away.

    "Who's that?" Alisa asked, looking at the lady.

   "The Contessa. Don't get to close to her. Stay out of trouble." Dame Elina instructed as she led Alisa below deck.

   "Shadows! Cast off!" Baron Magnus ordered, "Next stop, Italy!" 


        The Conte and the Contessa looked up at Baron Magnus who was steering the ship. 

    "Why not do it himself?" The Conte asked, turning to look at his wife. "No, he's too harsh for the little ones.  We need a safe haven like ours. Magnus knows this. And he believes you can do it." The Contessa reasoned. 

   "My own son doesn't look up to me." The Conte said.  "Luciano loves you. Very much." The Contessa smiled. "I know, but when he feels scared... he runs to you." The Conte said. The Contessa giggled, "Don't you?" She asked, then kissed him. 

    "You'll do great. I believe in you amore. They'll all love you." The Contessa reassured him.

   The Conte nodded slowly. 

  "What is it?" The Contessa asked.

   "Anna's daughter, Alisa. She brings back bad memories." The Conte said. The Contessa nodded slowly, "She does."


     Alisa woke up to find her hand glowing again. 

   Another vision flashed through her mind.

    Alisa gasped as both the vision and the glowing spark stopped.

   "Three hundred years lost?" She muttered. 

   She opened the lid to her coffin and stepped out. 

  She heard voices and headed in that direction. She saw the Conte and the Contessa directing Shadows.

    "The chairs are coming."

A Dracas and a Vamalia {Heirs of the Night} Lars x AlisaWhere stories live. Discover now