Your sick

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"Are you certain you're okay, baby?" As she stroked her fingers down your back, Sofia whispered. "You're feeling a little hot. I am worried about you."

Swallowing heavily and attempting to ignore the awful sensation rising in your throat, you closed your tired eyes and slowly shook your head. "I'm going to be fine." You exhaled slowly and slid a little further under the blankets. "All I want to do is sleep."

She was able to see straight through you. It was obvious that you were sick, but you refused to admit it. But she knew you'd wake her up and let her know if things got too awful. She was having a rough day, just like you, and her own eyes were becoming heavy.

"Okay. But, you have tell me if it gets worse or need any help." You nodded and attempted to sleep. She slept near you as usual when the light went out. She didn't wrap her arms around you like she usually does tonight. She was anxious that your stomach was too achy to do so.

When you started to feel worse, you were on the verge of dozing off. You moved your head slightly till the ache in your stomach became unbearable and you had no choice but to remain still.

You whimpered in misery and tried desperately to swallow the sick sensation, but you couldn't. It was only becoming more intense, and you were becoming increasingly uncomfortable with each passing second. You sat up straight and clutched your stomach. You attempted to get out of bed without waking Sofia up.

You hoped that by tiptoeing into the bathroom and closing the door behind you, she'd fall asleep. However, your stomach turned and you had no choice but to get out of bed and towards the bathroom, waking Sofia in the process.

You squatted in front of the toilet, your hair pulled back. Before your stomach began to turn and you began to puke, you whimpered.

Sofia was walking behind you, rubbing her eyelids and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She gently pushed your hand away and caught your hair. It sounded torturous, and seeing you in this situation hurt her heart.

"Oh, sweetheart. It'll be ok. Let everything out." She rubbed your back.

It had been a long and torturous few minutes. Every turn of your stomach was worse than the one before it. Your hands quiver, your throat burned, and the awful taste on your tongue made you puke even more.

When your stomach calmed, it felt like hours had passed when it had only been a few painful minutes. You paused for a moment to collect your breath before backing to Sofia's embrace.

"Are you feeling any better?" She asked as she gently rubbed her fingertips along your arms. "Just a smidgeon." You muttered something haltingly and closed your eyes for a little moment.

You felt Sofia's lips on your forehead after hearing the toilet flush. "You're burning." She muttered something. "You've most likely caught the flu or the stomach bug." Her voice had a sadness to it that you couldn't miss. "Come on, Let's get you ready for bed."

She supported you in standing and supported you because your legs were weak. "I need to brush my teeth," you said. "I can't stand the taste in my tongue longer." She gave you a friendly nod and walked you over to the sink. You brushed your teeth more quickly than ever before, paying special attention to rinsing your mouth.

You then leaned on her, and she escorted you out of the bathroom and into the bedroom slowly and cautiously. She realized that your clothing were somewhat moist from sweat. She assumed it was a combination of the vomiting's power and your temperature. But she rushed to the closet as soon as you were on the edge of the bed to get you a clean shirt.

To be particular, one of her clothes. She helped you in moving from your previous clothes to your new one. She kissed your head after pulling it over your head and smoothing your messy hair back.

"Let's get you settled in. We're going to sleep under the covers." Before climbing into bed next to you, she smiled and double-checked that you were warm and comfortable under the sheets.

She didn't put her arm around you since she wasn't sure if your stomach was still hurting. Instead, she let her hand fall to your side and gently stroked your skin with her fingertips. "I wish you a speedy recovery. Please do not hesitate to wake me if you need anything or if you need my help for any reason."

"Thank you Sof."

She kissed your shoulder as a reply. And with the brush of her fingertips, you were a sleep within a few minutes.

"Goodnight, lovely. Sweet dreams." She sighed and closed her eyes, thinking you'd feel better when you awoke.

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