Parenthood (part 1)

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It was a rainy Sunday night. Sofia was laying on the couch of her shared apartment with her girlfriend of three years. Suddenly she felt the need to throw up. All week she has been feeling nauseous.

At first, she thought it was stomach virus and didn't think much of it. That was until she realized something. She was 3 days late. Quickly grabbing her keys and wallet, she driving to the nearest pharmacy/drugstore searching for a pregnancy test.

Sofia was scared. She had just found out that she was pregnant, and she didn't know how to tell her girlfriend Y/N. They were still young, and YN was younger than her by a year. Sofia didn't want to burden Y/N with the responsibility of a child, but she knew that she couldn't go through this alone.

She decided to tell Y/N one night when they were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. Sofia took a deep breath and told Y/N that she was pregnant. Y/N was surprised, but she was also supportive. She told Sofia that they would figure it out together, and that they were in this together.

A few weeks later, they decided to tell their friends and family. They were nervous about how people would react, but they knew that they had each other's backs.

To their surprise, everyone was supportive and loving. They offered to help in any way that they could, and they made it clear that they would love and support Sofia and Y/N regardless of their decision.

Sofia and Y/N decided to keep the baby, and they started to prepare for its arrival. They went to doctor's appointments together, and they talked about names and baby clothes. They were scared, but they were also excited.

As the due date approached, Sofia and Y/N became more and more nervous. They had read all the books and taken all the classes, but they still didn't know what to expect.

One night, Sofia woke up in the middle of the night with contractions. She woke up Y/N, and they rushed to the hospital.

After a long and difficult labor, Sofia gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Lisa, and she was perfect.

Sofia and Y/N were exhausted, but they were also overjoyed. They held Lisa in their arms, and they knew that they would do anything to protect her and make her happy.

As they left the hospital, they were greeted by their friends and family. They were all there to welcome Lisa into the world, and they were all excited to be a part of her life.

Sofia and Y/N knew that they had a lot of work ahead of them, but they also knew that they had each other. They were a family now, and they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

As they drove home with Lisa in the backseat, they knew that they had made the right decision. They had chosen love, and that was all that mattered.

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