Suprising her on set

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Being the girlfriend of an actress in a famous show can be hard, but you never expected it to be this hard. You and Sofia started dating shortly after the filming of season 1 of HSMTMTS. You met through Olivia who is your childhood best friend, she was basically an older sister to you. You were also an actress on Euphoria which made your schedule crazy and hard to talk to Sofia.

Earlier that night Sofia called you crying and wishing you were with her. You felt bad and tried your best to comfort her. It only worked for a couple of hours until Olivia decided to call you in the middle of the night.

"Hey liv, what's up?" You said.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I woke you up but I wanted to talk to you about something." The uprising artist answered.

"No you're all good. I was just catching up on some homework and I needed a break anyway. So what's up? What did you want to talk about?"

"Sofia came to my place and hasn't stopped crying since that phone call. She fell a sleep a few minutes ago and I was thinking about flying you out to see her. She hasn't been herself and I think you being here would help her. What do you think?" Olivia suggested.

The moment she told you that you felt bad for both girls. You were glad Sofia had a shoulder to cry on but felt guilty that it kept them up all night.

"Yeah I was think that would be a great idea. I was actually thinking about calling you tomorrow morning and tell you but you beat me to it." You laughed.

"Girl you know you can't beat me but great minds do think alike so I guess I'll have to give it to you."

You rolled your eyes at that.

"Anyways I was thinking about flying out in two days, what do you think?" You questioned.

"Yeah that's good. Me and Dara could pick you up as well." Olivia said.

"Ok perfect! I'll buy a ticket right now."

"Alright. Well I'm gonna go to bed now we have an early call tomorrow or today I guess." She said laughing.

"Goodnight Liv. And thank you for being there for Sofi, I know much she trusts you."

"You don't have to thank me. She's my best friend and you're my soul-sister, I'd do anything for you guys."

"We appreciate it and love you."

" I love guys too, bye bye now." She ended that call.

(2 days later)

Olivia and Dara tackled you into a hug as soon as they saw you. After that they immediately drove to set.

Sofia was in the middle of performing "A Dancer's Heart". You, Olivia, and Dara watched in awe as your girlfriend danced her heart out (no pun intended).

She gave everyone a smile and walked to her trailer but you it was fake and decided to go after her. You walked in and heard her crying and looking at her lock screen, it was a picture of you two days before she had to leave.

Quickly you texted her:

Sofia looked behind her only to find you opening your arms for her to jump in

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Sofia looked behind her only to find you opening your arms for her to jump in. She quickly ran into your arms and wrapped her arms around your neck.

"Hi lovely! I missed you." You said.

"I missed you more." She said back.

We stood there in a comfortable silence holding each other with her head in your neck.

"What are you doing here?" Sofia asked as she pulled away from your neck to look at your face.

"I came to surprise you. After our call a few days ago I knew I had to come visit you and a little birdie told me you've been having a hard time focusing?"

"It was Olivia wasn't it?"

"Maybe... the world may never know." You said while smiling like an idiot.

Your smile made her heart skip several beats.

"I swear you two actually are secretly twins." Sofia laughed.

"Like I said the world may never know." You replied and pulled her into a kiss filled with nothing but love.

She pulled away from the kiss.
"I'm glad you're here because I miss your cuddles and your hoodie doesn't smell like you anymore." She said with a pout on her face.

You smiled and pecked her lips.

"Lucky for you, I brought two extra hoodies for you to keep."

"I love you." The dancer replied.

"I love you too." you said while resting your forehead onto hers.

"This is the best surprise ever."

"I'm glad you think so my love." You said smiled.

Suddenly she pulls away looking at your Y/E/C with her brown ones which were filled with confusion.

"How long are you staying here?" She asked fighting a smile.

"Just two days until I got back to set."

After you said that you saw the disappointment on her face.


"Hey, it's okay. I'll be gone for 3-5 days to finish shooting the rest of the season and then I'm staying with you until you guys are done filming."

"Oh thank god. I don't think I would've gone another 4 months without you." She said feeling relieved.

"Good thing you won't." You peck her soft lips.

They spent the rest of the day cuddling until she got called to shoot her final scene of the day and catching up with the rest of the cast and crew while she was filming.

"Ready to go home, honey?" Sofia came up behind you asking as she bared her face in your neck. That was her way of telling you she wants to go home and for you to hold her after this long tiring and emotional day.

Can you tell how long this has been in my drafts? It's starting to collect dust😅

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