Chapter 9

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I saw that Sawamura-kun already passed the third base and is breathing abnormally like me. I looked back remembering the guy who shouted.

Who was that... I couldn't make it without him...

The guys on the dugout can't help but look behind them in surprise.
"Was he always here? "
"Didn't even notice... "


The catcher,  insiders and outsiders gathered near the pitcher.

"Sorry. I take all the blame for letting him get in the base. "The catcher who dropped the ball said.

"Don't worry. We won't give a single run to the first years. Not to mention that none of the other first years look like they're hear to actually play. "The pitcher said reassuringly and looked at Sawamura-kun and I.

"Hahahaha, I'm gonna run! "Sawamura-kun said with burning aura covering his body.

This is gonna be tough.

I saw Kawakami-senpai nodding at the catcher, Sawamura-kun and I started getting smaller paces towards the next base without breaking our gaze towards the pitcher.

As Kawakami-senpai threw the ball at the third base we both started running, luckily Sawamura-kun jumped there on time.

The person on the third base passes the ball to the pitcher.

I heard Sawamura-kun chuckles.
"Hmm, not bad... I wouldn't expect anything from this school... "He said acting cool.

Kawakami-senpai didn't pay attention to him but started pitching

"You're pitching already?! "Sawamura-kun said surprised.

"Strike! Batter out! "Couch shouted
The batter missed the ball...

"The first years are terrible. "
"They're not trying to advance the runner, nor are they showing any effort to score. "
The crowd mocked.

"We don't have a coach. How are we gonna figure out this new pitcher's pitching patterns? Its too late even if you get on base now. "The guy in the dugout whined, making the coach steal a glance at him.

I was bought back to the game when I heard the ball's sound meeting the catcher's mitt.

"Ouch, that's two outs in a row. "
"They're gonna live their runners hanging. "
The crowd said.

"Excuse me. "My gaze was diverted to the guy who spoke... It was Furuya. He stood up raising his left hand. "I don't have anything to do anymore. May I go train on my own? "He said making us all look at him shocked.

"We're still in the middle of the game. "The guy beside him said, Furuya ignored him and walked away.

Oof, talk about confidence.

Thankfully, the coach said its alright since its the last inning.

"Don't give up! "
"The games only just begun! "
Both Sawamura-kun and I shouted in unison, which I stopped embarrassed......... Talk about the right timing.

The guys on the dugout kept talking irritatedly.
"Damn, what's with him?"
"Does he not care about the game now that he passed? "
"Its not as if we like playing this game, either. "

At that very last sentence, the pink haired guy spoke.
"So... What exactly did you come here to do? The coach only wants to see results. How good you were in junior high is irrelevant. Its about time you figured that out. "
A guy was about to charge at him but was stopped by his bat.

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