Chapter 8

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The warm sunlight fulfilled the blonde's room as Len scratched himself a bit before getting up; he yawned a little, last night was a good sleep.

Len got up eventually and walked to the living room, noticing the redhead was preparing a cup of coffee.

"Morning." Fukase smiled.

"Good morn- Aaah?!" Len almost screamed his lungs out when he finally got himself all together and realized that Fukase was topless. "W-Why are you half-naked?!"

"Ah... Because I just got up?" Fukase let out a chuckle by Len's cute reaction. "Why so nervous? We're both male?"

"B-B-But still..." Len covered his eyes with his hands and turned around. He was absolutely awake now.

Fukase was more muscular than Len thought he would be.

Seeing how firm the redhead's muscles were was a total turn on.

"... You like what you see?" The crimson boy suddenly approached from the back and whispered into the blonde's ears.

"I ah..." Len reddened his face like crazy and that only made Fukase burst out laughing.

"Ok ok... I'll stop teasing you." Fukase took off his watch from his wrist and gave it to Len. "There, wear this to campus today."

"... Why?" Len tried to adjust himself as he continued his conversation with Fukase.

"I have been wearing this to sleep last night. It should have enough Alpha scent to keep others from taking advantage to you."

"Oh god... This is a life saver!" Len took the watch with a smile on his face.

"But ah... this only last for a couple of hours, so make sure you get back home before night, ok?"


"And if you're going on a date, make sure to let me know so that I don't give you stuff from mine that day, otherwise your potential Alpha would mistaken that you're seeing someone else."

"... I already found my potential Alpha..." Len whispered quietly to himself.

"What did you just say?"

"Oh, n-nothing! I'll remember that, thank you!" Len chuckled and hoped the redhead didn't hear his words earlier.

Len wanted Fukase to be HIS Alpha, and he's trying the best to impress him.

The two had breakfast together and went on separate ways as they study in different universities. Len made sure to wear Fukase's watch with him the entire time.

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