Chapter 4

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*** Slight NSFW in this chapter ***

"Take him to my car, it's the dark red tesla at the parking lot." Fukase threw Piko his car key as he noticed several people following him... several Omega.

"O-okay!" Piko nervously caught the key and dashed to the parking lot with a dizzy Len in his arms. "Come on buddy! Stay with me!"

Len however refused to move, as he kept going back to where Fukase was, trying to cling onto the redhead again.

"Damn... really needy?" Fukase smirked and grabbed Len's chin; the blonde moaned by such action.

The crimson boy carefully observed the eyes on Len... they were clearly asking for attention so badly.

"... I'll take care of you once we head back, but first you need to get yourself to the car, get it?"

Len nodded eagerly and finally was willing to follow Piko to the parking lot.

The redhead took a deep breath and turned his back, with only a few meters ahead, several Omega were heading towards him, eager for food.

"Len... you okay?!" Piko found Fukase's car and the car door automatically unlocks when it senses the car key.

The blonde could only murmur some nonsense words as respond.

"Oh god do I look like this too when I'm in need?!"

Piko pushed Len inside the car and closed the door, he had to make sure no threatening Alpha were around to suddenly grab his friend away.

"... sorry to keep you waiting." After some time, the crimson boy finally arrived and turn on the car; Piko noticed Fukase's clothes were a bit messed up.

"... I didn't satisfy the Omega."

"I-I wasn't asking..." Piko blushed and took a look at Len, whom just got excited and wiped his arms around Fukase's neck from the backseat.

"L-Len! Fukase needs to drive!!!" Piko struggled a lot before he could finally pull Len back. "Sorry..."

The redhead shrugged. "He's needy. You can't blame him for that."

As Fukase continued to drive, the white haired boy noticed they were going to an unfamiliar road. "Where are you taking us?"

"To my home." Fukase casually replied. "You think you can handle your friend when he's in this condition?"

"But... what are you going to do to him?" Piko was in high alert. "I can't let you ravish my friend... if this is against his will."

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