Chapter 10

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The redhead seemed to cheer up a bit comparing to this morning.

Did something nice happen to him?

Anyway, Len was relieved to see his crush was smiling again. The blonde thought it would be nice to make Fukase a dessert.

"Fukase, wanna have dessert after dinner?"

"You know how to make dessert?" Fukase asked like he was slightly surprised.

"Just simple dessert though." Len chuckled. "Like, pancakes with ice-cream."

"That would be great! It's happy Friday after all!" Fukase smiled. "In return, I shall cook us dinner."

Now it was Len's turn to be surprised. "You actually know how to cook?"

"Let's just say I like cooking."

Fukase stood up and went to the kitchen; he opened the fridge and the cabinets to see what ingredients they have in the house. "Ummm... I can make spaghetti, with cream soup and chicken fillets."

"Do it NOW please!" Len was hungry already.

The crimson boy smiled more and began cooking; being with Len feels comfortable.

The blonde was always a cheerful person; and he wouldn't hide his feelings.

It was nice to know that Len is a person easily be understood.

Fukase let out a sigh, he was recalled of a certain person that broke his heart again.

"... Fukase?" Len surely noticed that. "If you don't mind me asking, are you ok?"

"... I just remembered someone whom I wish to forget." Fukase knew he was not that close in a relationship with Len yet, so he decided not to expose too much information.

"Is he or she... a bad person?"

"To keep it short, he used me, period." Fukase paused for a moment before asking Len. "... Hey, I know we agreed that I'd help you from time to time, but make sure you ask me every time you need help, ok?"

Len nodded and frowned. He wanted to know more; what did Fukase mean by "used"?

"You are... a very good friend of mine, Fukase." Len tried to hide his blush. "I would never use you... Well, other than the fact I do need your Alpha scent to keep me from danger... But that's only when you're comfortable on giving me."

"... Heh. You know, someone else told me I was a good friend of his too, and you two happened to say it in a really subtle way, how cute."

"Someone else...?"

Len knew who that person was, it had to be Moke.

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