Chapter 1

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Checking the time, the blonde noticed that it was time for him to take another pill and pulled out his medicine bottle. He swallowed one pill and slowly put it back to his locked drawer.

Len has been playing really well living as an Omega. Only his closest friends know his true identity. He was glad that his cousin, Kaito, was a great doctor and provides him suppression pills every month to cover his Omega sense and needs.

So far Len has no issue on daily lives; there were some rare occasion where somehow, he didn't take his pill on time and his Omega sexual desire just suddenly came out; he almost got caught by several hungry Alpha and that was certainly very dangerous. The blonde makes sure he would never let that happen again.

"Hello?" Len picked up his phone and felt happy to know it was his best friend Piko who gave him a call.

"Bro! Can we meet tonight?"

"Of course!"

Finishing the call, Len walked into the lecture hall and waits patiently for the professor to come. As he waits, he slowly observed the hall, everyone here are pure Beta.

Len sighed; he never hated himself for being an Omega. He liked the way he is; but at some point, he knew he must find himself an Alpha... Someone who could accept him as who he is, and to give him what he wants when he needs it.

Seeing a couple in front of him flirting to each other and even started making out a little, Len bitten his lips. He wanted to be loved too. God he needs his Alpha man anytime now.

"Oh listen! Today I saw this very HOT guy!" Piko invited Len into his house and immediately started bragging after he shut his front door.

"... Alpha?" Len blinked and asked.

Piko sighed. "Sadly, Beta... B-But! It's worth a try, yes?"

"Piko, Beta are not for us." Len shook his head. "They cannot feed us; at some point they'll got fed up and just look for someone else, someone who's not an Omega... I have been through that, trust me."

Len's heart being to ache as he recalled his past romance; there was this Beta guy who kept approaching him and told him just how adorable he thinks he is, yet when he found out the blonde was an Omega, the guy only said one single word:


It took Len a full year to recover.

"Len... I'm sorry..." Piko frowned, knowing that he somehow made his friend remembering an unpleasant memory. "You're right... I should just forget about it... H-Hey! At least we got each other!"

"Yeah." Len smiled. He was so glad to have met Piko from this secret Omega social group online. So far Piko was the only Omega friend he knew that lives near him, others were far away.

On his way home, Len looked up to the dark, starry sky.

My Alpha, where are you right now?

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