Chapter 2

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Busy exchanging lecture rooms, Len quickly walked down the hallway just like other university students. He better hurry though as his next class is about to begin.

"Wait... Wait!" A boy called from the back, forcing Len to turn around and stop.

"... Zhiyu Moke?" Len looked at the boy whom was slightly shorter than him; he didn't have to be friends to know this school famous. Moke was always the top student of all.

"You got a minute?" Moke politely smiled. "I need to talk to you."

"Okay but I'm afraid not now, sorry. Maybe lunch-"

"Are you an Omega?" Moke made sure his voice was small enough to only be heard from Len.

Len widen his eyes as he wasn't sure what to say. He felt like everything around him was from a different dimension now; and all he could focus on was Moke.


"How... did you know...?" Len's voice was shaky. "A-Are you..."

"Of course I'm not an Alpha!" Moke laughed. "I'm... just close to one. That's all."

The blonde noticed a small blush formed on Moke's face as he mentioned that person; but that was not the concern Len has now. "Then how did you know I'm one? And did you say you know an Alpha?"

"I'm doing a research about Omega and Alpha, it's for my big project. So... You can say I'm sort of an expert on distinguishing people." Moke explained. "And yes I know some Alpha, also because of the research... I can introduce you to them if you want?"

"Yes please! Can I bring my friend along? He's also an Omega!" Len's sky-blue eyes shine like a star; finally, he saw a possible change to his miserable Omega love life.

"But on one condition." Moke smirked.

"You and your friend need to report regularly to me on your daily basis, for my research purpose of course."


"Len!!! Is it true that you-"

When Piko entered into the empty bar as told by Len this morning, he spotted several unfamiliar faces sitting beside Len, and it made the white-haired boy nervous.

"P-Piko!" Len understands Piko's feeling as he is definitely feeling the same now. "Come closer! This is Zhiyu Moke, he's the one conducting the research and-"

"Oh you are my life saver!!!" Piko eased up a bit after learning this short boy was a Beta instead of an Alpha. "I wish to know more about my condition so badly! And well... If possible..."

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