Chapter 7

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Len was beyond excitement today.

Today was the day Fukase move in. The day the two share one apartment.

It took Len a big surprise that the redhead only took a quick look at the apartment and immediately agreed the rent; it was like he didn't really have to consider about it at all.

Could it be that Fukase actually likes me?

Len quickly shook that thought away with pink blush on his face; Fukase only knew him for at most 3 months, better not think too much about it now.

The blonde checked the time; it was 3pm at the moment. Fukase should be here at 7 in the night.

Waiting impatiently, Len continue cleaning the furniture, hoping the crimson boy would feel welcomed when he arrives.

Moke knew it would be a bad idea to study at the public library until dark.

When the boy walked out from the library, the streets were almost covered in darkness.

Taking a deep breathe, Moke began walking back home.

It didn't take long before he noticed someone was following him.

"Hey cutie, are you lonely?" A random tall stranger asked.

"... Leave me alone!"

"Ah come on, why the rush?" The stranger suddenly grabbed Moke's arm and forcefully embraced the short boy. "Wow, look at you. What a cute little thing."

"Hey let go of me! I'm not an Omega!" Moke tried his best to push the tall guy away, but no use.

The tall pervert only laughed and laughed. "Who would believe in such a thing when you have a babyface?!"

Moke was about to scream but then a powerful punch hit the tall guy's face and smashed the dude against the wall; before the dark-haired boy notice, he was already in someone else's warm arms.

"F-Fukase...!" Moke redden his cheeks as his eyes met the glowing eye of the redhead.

"You back off." Fukase stared deadly to the stranger whom just sweated and ran away. The redhead made sure the pervert was nowhere near them before he let go off Moke. "You okay, Moke?"

"I-I'm fine, thank you..." Moke blushed hard and wasn't able to meet Fukase's eyes. That would only worsen his overly excited heart.

"You do realize you shouldn't be going out this late, right?" Fukase frowned in dissatisfaction. "This is not the first time someone mistaken you as an Omega."

"Well, but it's not my fault for having a face like this..." Moke pointed at his face and sighed. "If only I can grow more manly..."

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