Chapter 9

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* In this chapter, we get to see more of Fukase's inside world. Also, a bit of FukaMoke *

"... Yea?" Knowing who was calling him, Fukase unwillingly grabbed his phone and answered the call.

He knew it all too well what this person wants from him.

"... No, Arsloid. I'm not giving you my stuff just so you can bang someone!"

The redhead threw his phone to the bed and sighed. His brother Arsloid have been taking his stuff just to become a fake Alpha to let poor Omegas fall for the trap and sleep with him.

Fukase hated that.

Fukase never wanted to be an Alpha.

He wished he was just a Beta.

He wished to be normal; to have a normal life; to love someone normally.

Some old memories rushed into the crimson boy's mind; his heart ached a little.

"Um... Fukase, you ok?" Len was standing outside Fukase's room, looking at him worriedly.

"... I'm fine. Sorry, did that scare you?" Fukase sighed again. "It's... Arsloid, my brother."

"He wants to become an Alpha for the night, huh?"

Fukase only nodded, it seemed like he was still thinking about something else.

"... Fukase?" Len blinked.

"... Nothing." The redhead simply responded.

"... Hey, if you need someone, you know I'm around." Len believed it was best to leave Fukase alone for now.

Fukase only smiled in return.

That facial expression of Fukase got stuck in Len's head; the blonde was still thinking about it during his way to the campus the next day.

Len had to admit he only knew Fukase for a short time, but the redhead was always a positive person in Len's opinion.

Seeing Fukase looking that sad was really unusual.

Len wanted to know what's wrong.

"... Hello Len!" Moke greeted the blonde from behind. "What do you have for the morning?"

"Oh hi! I got... Linguistic."

"Cool. I got Psychology, boring stuff."

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