Chapter 6

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Sighing heavily as he read what he wrote, Moke shook his head and started deleting the paragraphs.

This protocol was even more difficult than he thought it would be.

He knew studying the Alpha and Omega would never be an easy subject, but it was always the hardest topic that gets the highest score from professors; plus he was one of the smartest boy in campus, he couldn't let anyone down.

Moreover, he has Fukase to impress.

Moke wanted to know more about Fukase by learning in details when studying the Alphas.

Sometimes he wished he was an Omega, that way he can seduce Fukase and make the redhead fall for him.

In this world they were living, Betas usually end up with Betas, while Alphas end up with Omegas.

Moke is a Beta; Fukase is an Alpha.

Moke wanted the redhead all his own. But there was no way he could win against the temptation from Omegas.

But maybe if I could just show how much I care for him, we would have a chance.

Moke frowned a little when he saw who was waving at him and coming towards his spot.

Len Kagamine.

Len was the type of Omega Moke hated the most.

Angel face, sailor mouth, smooth skin...

A very dangerous Omega to him; A very delicious Omega to Fukase.

Good thing though Fukase wasn't hitting at the blonde, but Moke knew if one day Len made his move, Fukase might just fall for it.

Maybe the dark-haired boy shouldn't recruit Len into this project the first place; however he really needs more Omega to study anyway.

"Hello Moke! Busy?" Len wasn't aware of Moke's uneasiness and sat next to him.

"Not really." Moke shrugged. "You need something?"

"Well actually... There's something I wanna ask you..."

"Which is?" Moke kept on typing on the computer while listening to Len's words.

"... Since you're studying Alphas and Omegas, would you think it's a good idea to have a strong... I mean, really REALLY strong alpha to be living with an Omega? Would something bad happen?"

"Well I mean, what makes you want to live with an Alpha anyway? Unless he's your boyfriend, otherwise you better be expected that something WILL happen; like Omegas, Alphas also get hungry, and there's no way an Alpha would let go off an Omega if the two were sharing the same house."

"B-But what if they both take pills regularly to control themselves...?" Len shyly asked; his mind was picturing some hot scenes with a certain redhead.

"That would help... But nothing is guaranteed... Wait, you found your own Alpha?" Moke asked in amuse, his thought of the blonde stealing the redhead would never be a problem now if Len has found someone.

"Well... He's not my boyfriend..." Len decided not to mention Fukase here because he felt embarrassed.

"Guess that's only a matter of time!" Moke finally smiled. "I'd say go ahead! Live with him! You know his scent could help protect you away from other Alphas! And I can tell you like him, so the only obstacle you're having right now is your uncertainties, which I think you should put that aside."

Len smiled widely and nodded in agreement. "Thank you, Moke! I think we can be really good friends!"

"Yes we will." As long as you don't steal Fukase away.

The blonde greeted Moke goodbye and left to his lecture; he always thought that the dark-haired boy was not that friendly to him, but today was an exception. Len wasn't sure why though.

But Len couldn't care less; he put out his phone and dialed a number.

"... Fukase? Let's meet up sometime so I can show you my apartment!"

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