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Ryan Bryson didn't dare make a sound as his younger brother, Albion, decorated the cake for the banker's oldest daughter. Albion's gentle movements left behind the flawless and impeccable designs of white roses that Ryan could never accomplish correctly. Ryan was never as good as he was when it came to decorating. The thing was, Albion did not only have the talent for it, but he had a strong passion for it; losing himself in the job at hand.

They both knew the cake stand he was using was loose, but it also happened to be the only one big enough to support the base of the enormous cake. Ryan began to speak, causing Albion to turn and respond, losing his concentration. He should have been more careful, paid more attention. If he would have, the whole turntable wouldn't have slipped off, bringing down the heavy base of the cake with it, and sending the whole cake toppling down onto the floor.

"Oh, crap," Ryan muttered, backing away from the mess at his feet, looking up and meeting his brother's widened eyes. They both knew this was a disaster under any circumstance, but the custard filling they had used for the cake had used the last of the expensive cocoa powder, and there was no way they could replace it in time for the wedding tomorrow. The bell at the front door rang, signaling the arrival of their mother. Albion looked to Ryan for help, but all he did was shake his head, his eyes going just as wide as Albion's as they heard their mother's loud footsteps approaching.

"What is going on back he-" Ava Bryson cut herself short as she took in the mess in front of her. The cake had fallen over, landing upside down and bringing the freshly mixed white frosting down with it, emphasizing what a colossal job he had done at screwing up the order.

"Mom," he started, backing away and around the worktable, holding his hands up as a gesture of surrender. Her shoulders began to tremble with fury as she started walking towards him, her gaze not leaving the mess on the ground. "Mom, please. I'm-"

"You're what," she spat, her head snapping up, her dark and emotionless eyes meeting his frightened ones. "Were you about to say that you're sorry?" Albion stuttered, glancing back to his brother for help but he had been left alone with the person that brought him the most terrifying pain, physically and emotionally. The beatings didn't happen everyday, and definitely not when his dad was around. Though the bruises and burns should make him a little more considerate to the possible fact that his wife was a total bitch that did not care about the safety of her own children. At times like these are the times he wishes more than ever that his dad was home. Though he would still be in trouble, he would not be fearing for his safety. She started walking towards him, again, retrieving the wooden rolling pin on the counter table.

"Please," he breathed out, shaking his head, backing away towards the ovens at the back of the bakery. The hot metal burned through his shirt but he, somehow, managed to ignore the light stinging.

"Do you have any idea what a screw up like this will do to the reputation of this bakery?" Her voice rose too high, too shrill. "But more importantly, to my reputation? Do you?" Of course, there wasn't a single day where she didn't think of herself. She smacked the side of his head, making him cringe, but it was only the beginning. "But worse of all, think about all the cancellations we will have when they realize that my son and cake decorator is an incompetent waste of space! What will I say to Corbin Braxton when he comes in tomorrow morning to receive the cake you just fucking ruined?" Ava brought down the rolling pin against his side. Albion curled up to protect himself, taking the blow to his ribcage.

"Mom! Please don't!" He covered his head with his hand, ducking down. The next blow hit his forearm, his fingers, and, lastly, his skull. He fell to the floor, his hands by his side, giving his mother access to his stomach. Her sharp little shoe came in contact with his side, making it hard for him to breathe. He could hear Ryan's panicked pleas telling her to stop but that only seemed to make her angrier, which resulted in adding more strength to her kicks. Ryan's voice began to become distant as his eyes began to close and, with one last kick from his mother, he slipped into the darkness.


"Please, Albion," his father's voice was heard throughout the darkness. He felt the warmth of his arms enveloping him, his big hand cradling the back of his head. "Please, open your eyes. Look at me, Al." His eyes fluttered open taking in the sight of his dad's tear filled eyes. His lips turned up into a sad smile when he saw his son's blue eyes open. The vivid red stain on his father's shirt was an odd color. A color that he could never achieve when mixing different types of berries and dyes into the buttercream. Albion shivered, cold sweeping over his body, his eyes closing, not being able to keep them open for any longer.

"I told you he was fine," his mother snapped, her voice distant and echoing due to the state of being mid-conscious.

"God dammit! I thought I told you to get out," his father's voice rang in his ears, slipping away as his body was consumed by darkness once again.

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