Chapter 2

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To be perfectly honest, I was nervous. The more I thought about the things mom said to me the more I worried this would be awful. Or awkward. Or downright painful. I didn't know Albion very well. Hardly at all, really. I'd said hello at the bakery when Callum and I stopped by, and I had seen him in passing at school, but that was about it; sharing a couple of nonchalant greetings. We had a few classes together last year and this year, but that was the extent of my exposure to Albion Bryson. He was popular; I'd heard girls talking about him in the halls while hiding giggles behind their hands when he smiled at them. I couldn't fit what little I did know about him in with what mom had told me.

I also didn't know what the hell I was going to talk to him about.

When I got home from school the next day I stood on the porch watching Helena go on with Callum and his brothers while trying to figure out what to expect. She turned back and waved, and Callum shooed me toward my house. I just rolled my eyes, sighing before turning to go inside.

"Hey," I called out, dropping my books on the table before taking off my coat. I paused as I turned to hang it on the wall, staring down at the empty wheelchair by the door with what I could assume to be Albion's jacket draped over it. Mom had mentioned that he had a hard time walking, but I didn't realize it meant something like this.

"Hello, Dawn," mom lifted her chin and smiled at me. Albion looked up at me, his eyes dropping as soon as they met mine. I took off my shoes, looking at him for a moment before turning to my mom. "Come sit. I'm going to make some tea for both of you." I nodded, crossing the room and sitting at the end of the couch, tucking my foot beneath me to angle myself towards Albion.

He was slouched down on the couch, his shoulder hunched forward, tensed up when he felt me sit down next to him. He tugged at the sleeve of his sweater, trying to cover the brace on his hand, nervously touching the back of the knit hat that covered mostly all his blonde hair. Mom came in, leaving two cups on the center table, kissing my forehead before disappearing to the kitchen. Albion watched the exchange out of the corner of his eye.

"You probably don't want me to ask how you've been doing, do you?" I said. He glanced over at me, a smirk tugging briefly at the corner of his lips before shaking his head. I watched him for a moment, biting my lip and trying to figure out what the hell I was going to say. "If it makes you feel any better, right now is a good time to be out of school. Mr. Collins has been an asshole lately." A brief look of confusion crossed over his face, as if he didn't know who I was talking about. We had been stuck with Mr. Collins for a good three years, and calling him an unbearable asshole was like calling rain wet. "Math is a shitty subject anyway." He frowned, looking over towards the fire, while I looked over at my mom looking for help. She gestured over with her hands to keep going, urging me on. I turned back to Albion, drawing in a breath to speak again, but he cut me off.

"J-just ask," he said, turning to look directly at me for the first time since I've sat down.

"What?" I said, shifting uncomfortably. The look he was giving me was unsettling. Angry and lifeless at the same time.

"Ask m-me," he said, taking a breath and blinking slowly. He spoke deliberately, as if every word were a massive effort. "What I know you--want to."

"And...what do I want to ask you?"

"What she d-did to m-me," he said, holding my gaze. My heart jumped; I did want know. I wanted to know since the words "head injury" came out of my mother's mouth. Could I just do that? Even with him telling me too? I looked over at mom. She had the tea kettle steaming on the stove behind her with the top open to silence the whistle. She was ignoring it and watching the two of us. Her expression didn't change. She offered no help at all.

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