Chapter 29

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I arrived at the bakery Saturday morning to find the back door propped open to let the heat out of the kitchen. The weather was getting warmer every day, and I was already starting to dread what it would feel like in there in the height of summer.

Albion was in the kitchen, working alongside Ryan, and I hovered in the doorway, watching the two of them. It only took Albion a moment to realize I was there, and he flashed me a shy smile before turning away to finish unloading the ovens.

We worked together through the morning, though Albion disappeared to the back porch more than once when the heat started getting to him. That was the real reason the back door was propped open. For the rest of us it wasn't anywhere near unbearable yet, but Albion was still overheating too easily. When the lull hit before lunch I joined him, and we sat side by side on the edge of the porch, splitting one of the sweet rolls that had just come out of the oven.

"So what brought on this burst of energy?" I asked.

"I bet you c-can guess," he smirked, slipping his arm around my waist.

"Albion," I jabbed my elbow into his ribs and cast a glance back toward the open door. He just chuckled and pressed a kiss to my temple.

We'd gotten adventurous the night before, struggling to keep quiet as he moved in me while the evening rush kept Ethan and Ryan busy in the bakery.

"Better than the first t-time, right?" he said, pulling his hat off and raking his fingers through his sweaty hair. I just sighed, shaking my head and refusing an answer. He nudged me with his shoulder. "Well?"

"Yes," I said, fighting back a smile as my skin flushed at the memory of how it felt to come with him inside me.

He pulled me closer and pressed a kiss against the corner of my mouth. I laid my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes as a breeze rippled past us across the yard. The sound of voices inside interrupted the moment, and he and I looked at each other before getting up to go investigate.

Susan was in the kitchen, Mason balanced on her hip as she argued with Ryan over whether or not he could handle the massive cookie Ryan was holding up just out of Mason's reach. As the baby's fussing got louder Susan finally relented, turning to move Mason close enough to grab it. The motion turned her toward us and she just rolled her eyes, nodding toward the baby as he began gnawing on a cookie the size of his face.

"Hey, you two," she smiled, holding one arm out to pull Albion into a hug as we walked inside. As soon as she let go of him she pulled me in as well. I was too surprised to react, and just let out a nervous little laugh, shooting a confused look in Albion's direction as soon as she turned away. Ethan kicked Ryan out of the kitchen, sending him out to the storefront so he could speak with Susan. Albion and I got back to work, keeping to one end of the kitchen to stay out of the way.

"Dawn, would you mind giving me a hand upstairs?" Susan asked as Ethan took Mason from her arms.

"Sure," I said, glancing at Albion. He was fully absorbed in filling the pastries he'd spent most of his morning working on. He looked up as I walked past him toward the stairs, smiling at me before turning his attention back to his work. I followed Susan to the second floor.

"I want to switch out the winter linens and get the curtains washed today," she said, glancing over her shoulder as we went into the laundry room. "I did most of the cleaning earlier this week, but that part is easier with two people."

"I was wondering why you were here on a Saturday," I said. As far as I knew, Susan only stopped by on weekends with Adam in tow, and even that seemed rare.

"Well, Adam's in the city for another week or so," she said, pulling a low stool out of the corner of the room and climbing onto it to reach the shelves above the washer and dryer. She pulled down a few quilts, passing them to me before hopping down from the stool. "There's only so much time I can spend with my sisters, and an eleven month old isn't the best company." I smirked, following her out of the laundry room and into Ryan's bedroom. She stopped inside the door, huffing and muttering under her breath as she stooped to snatch clothes off the floor. "Honestly, I was here three days ago."

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