Chapter 24

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"Guys, if it doesn't pick up in an hour or two just close for the night," Ethan said, standing in the doorway to the mudroom and looking out toward the kitchen.

We'd had a rush in the middle of the afternoon that kept both Ethan and Ryan out in the storefront for a couple of hours without a hint of a lull, and since then there had hardly even been a handful of customers.

The weather may have had something to do with it. It was the first truly warm day we'd had. The back door and all the windows were propped open to let the fresh air in.

"Just make sure the clean up is finished. No use in sitting around staring at each other. I'll be back later tonight."

Ryan shot Ethan a mock salute as the older man turned and headed out the door. It was Saturday, and that meant no prep work to do, since the bakery would be closed all day Sunday. We had already started cleaning just for the sake of something to do. With Albion helping it went much faster than usual. As soon as it was done, Albion and I retreated to his room.

"So, your dad is still out," I said, dropping my head back against the mattress, "and Ryan just left." We had just listened to Ryan lock the front door a solid hour and a half early and proceed straight out the back.

"Yes," Albion glanced over at me from the notebook in his lap. We were sitting side by side on his floor, leaning against the bed and making a futile attempt at picking up where we'd left off with our studying. Neither of us were invested in it the first time around that morning, and the intervening hours hadn't improved that.

"So we have the house to ourselves," I pointed out. He flipped the notebook closed and looked over at me, a smirk tugging at one corner of his mouth.

We leaned in to kiss each other in the same moment, so perfectly in sync I laughed softly as his lips met mine. Albion smiled against my mouth, tossing the notebook aside and turning toward me.

I leaned back, setting one hand on the floor behind me as Albion leaned closer, and realized too late the heel of my palm was on one of Buddy's paws. He yowled and I jerked my hand away, throwing off my balance and nearly knocking both Albion and I over in the process. Buddy had already disappeared under the bed before I could even turn around. "Oh no, what did I do!"

"D-did you just k-kill my cat?" Albion shot me a playful glare before leaning down to peer under the bed.

"I'm sorry," I grimaced, watching him as he laid down on the floor and reached under the bed. He tapped his fingers against the floorboards and made soft, soothing noises in the cat's general direction, but none of it coaxed Buddy out of hiding. After a moment he gave up, straightened up and turned around toward me.

"G-good job," he said, pecking a kiss against my cheek and getting to his feet.

"He's okay, right?" I said, watching Albion as he dropped down onto his bed.

"He's f-fine," Albion said, holding his hand out toward me. I took it and he pulled me up off of the floor and onto the bed with one gesture. I smiled, burying my face against his neck as he wrapped his arms around me. A contented sigh rumbled through his chest as he twined his fingers in my hair.

"Albion?" I played with the fabric of his shirt, rolling the seam along his shoulder between my fingertips. He murmured quietly in response. "Have you ever done any of this before?"

"Any of wh-what?" he asked. I felt his lips brush against my temple.

"This," I said, smiling to myself and snuggling closer to him.

"D-did you think I was l-lying when I told Helena I'd never had a g-girlfriend?" he asked, slowly trailing his fingers up and down my spine. "Or k-kissed a girl?"

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