Chapter 9

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I definitely did not win the battle. Gisselle didn't take no for an answer, and for that, we spent the whole day passing the dress back and forward. She won, of course, but that didn't stop me from glaring at her every time she complimented me.

Time passed by fast, and before I knew it, it was time for the dinner. I knew this was going to be complicated...and awkward. Even more if Ryan is there and sees me in this ridiculous dress. That would be enough ammunition to tick me off for, at least, a month.

Susan had already laid out the plan. I would stop at the bakery, Albion and I would walk over to her house, we'd have dinner, spend a little more time there if Albion was feeling up to it, and then I would walk him home. He had a hard time facing me, I noticed that.

Maybe this dinner thing would fix it. Maybe if I could manage to keep myself together, and not be as painfully awkward and quiet around him as I had been, I could at least get things back to where he wanted to be my friend.

The bakery came into view, as I turn the alley. The air was chilly and I pull at my sweater as I walk up the porch steps. Ryan was already in the kitchen, washing the dirty dishes from today's work. He turned his head towards me as I step through the door. A smirk rising on his lips.

"Well, well, don't you like fine today," he stepped towards me, stopping in front of me. The sound of steps came from upstairs as Albion's door opened.

"Will you shut up?" I snapped. I could hear him clearly as soon as he reached the top of the stairs. He braced one hand against the wall as he carefully made his way down. Even coupled with his grip on the banister it didn't keep him steady enough. I couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a time he'd be able to get downstairs without feeling like he'd fall with every step.

"You're the only girl on the planet who would be offended by a compliment," Ryan scoffed. "You could stand to show a little more leg, though."

"Dammit, Ryan, shut your mouth," I turned away from him as Albion reached the bottom of the stairs, folding my arms over my chest.

I was wearing a light brown dress with my hair pinned up away from my neck. I had never been more uncomfortable in my life.

He watched me snatch my coat from where it sat on one of the stools and shake it out before pulling it on. "Ready to go?" My voice startled him, making him realize he'd been staring. He nodded, slipping into the back room for his own coat. Ryan and I continued our little fight in a harsh whisper before I left the kitchen, huffing and shaking my head.

"Make sure you tell her how pretty she looks!" Ryan called after the two of us. I glared back toward the kitchen before slamming the door closed behind us. We followed the path packed down through the snow that led around the side of the building toward the square. I walked close behind him, reaching out and catching his elbow when he faltered as we crossed a snowbank. Once we were clear he shoved his hands into his pockets, glancing over at me.

"He's r-right," he said, dropping his gaze to the ground in front of his feet when I snapped my attention toward him. "You do look-p-pretty."

"Shut up." I backhanded his arm before hugging my arms around myself. He caught me smiling out of the corner of his eye, my cheeks flushing. Was that just from the cold or was that because of what he said?

He led us to Adam and Susan's, hesitating at the sight of the ice coating their steps. Someone had scratched into it for traction, but I knew that wasn't going to be enough to keep him from slipping. I didn't even break stride, just hooked my arm through his and led him up the steps. I was still holding onto his arm when Susan answered the door, and I noticed the expression on Susan's face as we stepped into the house. A smug one. Gisselle was right -- sneaky little woman.

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