Chapter 33

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Finals ran for four days, with my birthday on the second day, one day off at the end, and then the weekend. On Sunday I couldn't even move. I couldn't tell whether it was nerves over facing the coming week or if the tension in every inch of my body was from the trek into the woods the day before. I spent the night tossing and turning, dreaming of clean air and warm sun and the smell of pine on the breeze only to have it ripped away as the memory of my mother came rushing back to me. I spent my morning in bed with Buddy purring away on my chest.

"Hey," Dawn said quietly, startling me out of a shallow sleep. My sudden movement scared a tiny, indignant mewl out of Buddy. Dawn smirked, pulling off her shoes before slipping into bed beside me. He glared at her before retreating to the foot of the bed. "Sorry."

"What--are you d-doing here?" I asked, moving closer to the wall to make space for her.

"I was going to help downstairs and then see if you needed any last minute cramming for tomorrow," she said, sliding her hand around my waist and leaning against me. My breath caught for a moment; I was only wearing a pair of boxers. She pressed a kiss to my jaw before laying her head down on my pillow. "Your dad sent me up, though. He said you weren't feeling well."

"J-just t-tired," I said, brushing her hair away from her face before wrapping my arm around her. I laid my head down with my forehead touching hers and closed my eyes. "Someone d-dragged me around the woods all d-day yesterday." Dawn laughed softly and I couldn't help but smile.

"I hope it was worth it," she said.

"Definitely," I said. I felt her lips ghost over mine, her fingers trailing gentle circles over my back that lulled me right back to sleep.

I woke on my back, with the blankets twisted around my waist. Dawn was asleep on my chest, her fingers curled lightly around my shoulder. I watched her for a moment, smoothing my hand over her back. There was a light knock on the door and I realized that was what had woken me to begin with. Dad opened it a moment later, before I even had a chance to react. He smirked, raising an eyebrow at us.

"You'd better be wearing pants," he said quietly. I just rolled my eyes. "There's food out here if you get hungry. I'll leave a couple plates on the counter for you two."

"Thanks," I said softly.

"Are they fucking again?" Ryan called from down the hall. Dad let out an exasperated sigh before closing the door. Dawn tensed and lifted her head, drawing in a deep breath through her nose and blinking at me sleepily.

"W'time is it?" she said, squinting at my clock before dropping her head back down. Her voice was muffled by my skin when she spoke again. "I swear I sleep better here in two hours than I do an entire night at home. Helena kicks."

"I sleep b-better when you're here, too," I said softly. Dawn turned her face toward my neck, smothering a laugh. I grinned and tightened my arms around her. "Why is th-that funny?"

"It's not. It's sweet," she said, shifting to kiss me and sucking my lower lip between hers for a moment before pulling back. "Did I just hear your dad in here?"

"Yes," I smirked.

"Oh no," she let out an embarrassed chuckle, dropping her forehead against my neck again. "He didn't say anything?"

"J-just, um--that I'd b-better be wearing pants," I said.

"But you're not," she said, her voice dropping to a quiet, throaty register right next to my ear that sent a jolt through me and straight to my member.

"N-nope," I said. She traced the waistband of my boxers with her fingertips, slipping them under the elastic. I grabbed her wrist and dropped my voice to a harsh whisper. "D-Dawn he's right d-down the hall."

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