Chapter 16

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"It's Sunday," Helena said. She frowned at me from where she sat on the edge of the bed, shoulders slumped forward, a pitiful frown on her face. I paused in the middle of changing my shirt--for the third time--and turned to her.

"I'll be back tonight, Helena." I straightened out the hem of my shirt before frowning down at how low the neckline dipped. I usually wore something else under it.

"Sunday's our day. Where are you even going?" Helena shifted as I sat down beside her. She watched me comb my fingers through my hair, parting it before braiding it.

"I'm going to see Albion," I said. The look on her face made my roll my eyes.

"Well, if you have a date," she said with a mischievous little grin. "I guess I don't mind waiting. Is he really your boyfriend like Gisselle said?"

"When did Gisselle say that?" I asked. Helena shrugged, a sure sign it was something she'd overheard from a conversation she likely wasn't supposed to hear. Her eavesdropping habit was getting worse as she got older. "I guess he is."

"Really?!" Helena nearly leaped to her feet in excitement. She hunched up her shoulders and slapped my arm.

"Ow! Helena!" I tied off my braid before shoving her shoulder lightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really happy for you," she said. "I didn't think you'd ever get a boyfriend." I narrowed my eyes at her, taking a breath to speak before it occurred to me just how accurate she was. I didn't think I'd ever have one either, but I didn't particularly want one. Albion was a coincidence. A welcomed one.

"Thanks, Helena," I said, chuckling to myself. She completely missed the edge of sarcasm in my voice, smiling at me and getting up off the bed.

"You shouldn't wear those pants, though," she said as she yanked open the bottom drawer of the dresser we shared. After a moment of rooting around inside she pulled out a pair of brown corduroys that barely fit me now that my hip bones weren't jutting through my skin anymore. "You should wear these ones instead. The last time you had them on Darren Monroe followed us home so he could look at your butt. I bet Albion would like them, too."

I grabbed the pants out of her hands and chased her out of the bedroom, my lip curling. Helena just giggled furiously at me as I slammed the door behind her. I looked down at the pants I had on, chewing the inside of my lip for a minute before heaving a sigh and changing into the pair Helena had pulled out.

"Have fun," Mom said, watching me pull on my coat. I hated the smug little smile on her face.

"Thanks," I said, tying my scarf around my neck before ducking out the front door and making my way towards town.

Albion was sitting at the kitchen table when I arrived, talking with Ryan as he cleaned out the ovens. I joined the conversation easily, standing beside the stool where Albion sat. He flashed a smile at me; his arm slipping around my waist to pull me closer. I settled my arm around his shoulders and kissed his hair. We both realized at the same moment that Ryan was staring at us.

"You guys want some privacy?" Ryan smirked.

"Shut up," Albion said, sucking in a deep breath and shifting on his stool before glancing at me. Ryan raised his eyebrows, the two of them sharing a wordless exchange I had no idea how to translate. Albion's jaw tightened, and he shook his head at Ryan before getting to his feet. "Ready t-to go?"

"Sure," I said, giving Ryan a confused look that he met with a wide, fake grin.

"Have fun, kiddos," he said. I glanced at Albion, but he wasn't even looking at me, still staring daggers at Ryan. Their little staring contest escalated to harsh, unintelligible whispers as I lost patience and headed for the door.

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