Chapter 3

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My Over Protective Brothers:

Chapter Three:

"I love this." Adrianna said to me as we pulled into our schools parking lot. As a senior, we have a lot more opportunities than the underclassmen. One thing that we can do is go off campus for lunch. We have a McDonald's by our school so we can easily go there for lunch and come back. Also we can leave early which is one thing that Adrianna, Jadalynn, Briella, and I are all doing. Jadalynn and Briella work so it's better for them to leave. "Are you going to pick up Lucas when we leave?" Adrianna asked me as we got out. "Yeah." I answered. "I wish I could see him; I have to go in at 3:30." Jadalynn said to me. "When do you get off?" I asked her. "9:30." She said and i nodded as we sat at a picnic table. I pulled my salad out of the bag and put the ranch dressing on it. "I'm happy that I'm a senior." Briella said to us, biting into her Big Mac. "We know, you told us that three times already." I joked and she hit me playfully. We finished our lunch before the bell rang to go to our fifth period; my last class of the day was Pre-Cal. Math is a pretty easy subject to me. "Hey Jordan." My teacher, Mr. Griner, said to me. "Hey Mr. G." I smiled and hugged him. He was my homebound teacher and he helped me a lot. "How's the little one?" He asked. "He's doing great; he says no like all the time. I'm trying to get him to say other words." I smiled as he laughed. "That's adorable; I'm glad to hear that he's doing well." He smiled as i sat down beside Briella. "I might come over to your house so I can see Lucas." She said to me and i nodded. "When do you go in for work?" I asked her. "5 and I get off at 11." She said and I nodded.

"Mama." Lucas smiled as I signed him out of daycare. "Hey cutie, did you have fun?" I asked, carrying him out. "Yeah." He held onto my shoulder as I walked to my car and put him in his car seat. "Hey Luke." Adrianna smiled at him as he giggled. "Ti-ti." He giggled as I started to drive. "What did you do at daycare?" She asked him. "I play and color." "You did? What did you play with?" She smiled. "Blocks." "That's cool." She said as I pulled into my driveway. Adrianna and I both got out and I picked up Lucas and my bookbag. When we walked inside, I put Lucas down and he walked over to his toy cars. I sat down on the couch and took out my binder and my pen. "Which teacher gave you homework?" Adrianna asked as I took out a worksheet. "It's just an About Me paper and it's from my Physics teacher." I said to her. "Mrs. Gosselin?" She asked and I nodded as I worked on it.

"Ready for dinner?" I asked Lucas. He nodded and got up before walking out of my room. I followed behind him and watched as he crawled down the stairs. I smiled and walked down beside him. Lucas is so cute; just the things that he does always makes me smile. I picked him up and placed him in his high chair. He hit against the tray as I walked into the kitchen. My mom was still cooking as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "Hey mom." I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Hey Jo, is Lucas ready to eat?" She asked me and I nodded. She handed me his favorite plate and I fixed him a little bit of the jambalaya she fixed. I cut him a little piece of cornbread and fixed my plate. I put his plate on his tray and handed him his spoon. I sat beside him and started eating. "How was school?" Mom asked as she sat at the table. "Good." I said to her and handed him his cup of milk. "Nana." Lucas smiled to get as my mom chuckled. "Hey cutie. Is it good?" "No!" He giggled as we all laughed.

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