Chapter 23

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Jordan's POV:

I looked at my phone to see a text from Tahj

from: Tahj☺️
I was wondering if you wanted to go to church with me?

to: Tahj☺️
Yeah that would be nice

I smiled before sitting up and looking at Luke. He was sleeping soundly in his crib, his teddy bear was intertwined with his blanket. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a burgundy T-shirt dress. I grabbed a button down shirt and some khakis for Luke as I got ready. I woke him up and changed his diaper, putting on his clothes. "It's ok baby, we're going to have breakfast after this." I whispered, holding him. I grabbed his teddy bear and walked downstairs, fixing him a cup of milk and a container of blueberries. I handed it to him and he started eating.

"How did you like it?" Tahj asked when we walked out of his church. "It was good." I smiled, looking down at Lucas who was holding our hands. "He's never been up this early huh?" Tahj chuckled and I nodded. "He doesn't wake up this early except during the week." I smiled. He nodded as we walked to my car. I put Luke in his car seat and got into the front. "Where do you want to go eat?" He asked me. I shrugged. "What do you recommend?" I looked at him. "IHOP?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yummy!" Luke smiled as I poured a little bit of syrup on his pancakes. I handed him his plate as he started to eat. "When does he turn two?" Tahj asked me. "His birthday's June 6th." I answered. Tahj nodded and continued eating his breakfast. I smiled and started eating, occasionally looking at Luke to make sure he wasn't making a mess. When he finished, he hit his hands against his face, getting syrup and fruit all over himself, making Tahj and I laugh.

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