Chapter 32

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Jordan's POV:

"Hey." I smiled at Tahj when he called me. "Hey, did you just drop off Luke?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, why?" I said as I drove. "Meet me at my place." He said and I bit my lip. "OK." I hung up and continued to drive. Once I got to his house, I parked and got out, walking to the door. I knocked and he answered. "Hey." He smiled. I looked at him up and down; he was just wearing a pair of gray sweatpants with his red boxers peeking through from the top. "H-hey." I said nervously. He chuckled before letting me in.

"Thanks for staying out of school with me." Tahj said as we sat in his living room. "No problem. I'll do anything just to spend a day with you." I smiled. He lightly pecked my lips and I sighed happily, laying my head on his chest. He put my hand on his, intertwining our fingers. "I love you." He said softly. "Love you too." I smiled back.

I closed my laptop and looked at Luke as he played with his blocks. I smiled and watched as he stacked them up. I smiled to myself before picking up my phone and taking a picture of him before posting it on Snapchat with the caption

my smart little boy

He knocked his blocks over and I cringed at the loud noise as they hit the hardwood floor. He giggled and looked at me. "Why'd you knock them over?" I asked him. "Don't know." He smiled and climbed onto the bed beside me. I chuckled and kissed the top of his head as he laid his head on my arm.

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