Chapter 50

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Jordan's POV:

I walked up to Ty's apartment and knocked on the door. Tahj held my hand as we waited. "Hey Jor." Ty smirked as soon as the door opened. "Hey Ty." I rolled my eyes as he let me in. "You're not allowed to come inside." He said to Tahj and stood in the doorway. "Stop acting like a child." I said and he chuckled before moving. "Tahj!" Luke smiled and ran to him. "Hey bud." He smiled and picked him up. Luke hugged him as I grabbed his bag. "No Hey mama?" I chuckled and he giggled before reaching for me.

Tahj took us to a local diner after picking up Luke. "Guess what's coming up soon?" Tahj asked as we looked at the menu. "Your birthday." I smiled. He chuckled. "Yeah, that's true." "How does it feel to almost be 18?" I looked at him. "Pretty good." He smiled. I chuckled as the waiter came with our drinks. We ordered and he wrote everything down before leaving. "What are we going to do for my birthday?" He asked. I smirked. "It's a secret."

"Happy birthday!" Luke yelled when Tahj walked over to my car. "Thanks bud." He chuckled and picked him up. "Happy birthday baby." I smiled and kissed him gently. When I pulled away, I bit my lip slightly. "Ready to go to the water park?" I asked and he nodded. I got into the driver's seat and he put Luke in his car seat between Brice and Tahj's sister, Trinity. "Ready to go?" I asked them and they all nodded before I started to drive.

Trinity and I sat under the cabana I rented as the boys went swimming. "Jordan." I heard her say and I looked at her. "Can I talk to you about something?" She asked and I nodded. "Sure, what's up?" "There's this guy at school. He's on the football team and I really like him. He's funny and smart, he's in all the honors classes with me but I don't know if he'll like me." "Why do you think that?" I looked at her. She sighed and pushed her glasses up on her face. "Because I'm in all the honors classes and I'm in the band. I'm basically a nerd." She sighed. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "I think he'll like you too. Just because you're smart doesn't mean that you're not likeable. Try and ask him to study with you sometimes, it happened with me and your brother." I smiled. She laughed and walked over to my chair, hugging me. I smiled as her braids brushed against my arm. "I love you Jordan, you're like the sister I've always wanted." She said to me. "Trin, you are my little sister." I said and she looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

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