Chapter 22

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Jordan's POV:

It's been a few weeks since I started tutoring Tahj and it's been really fun. He's starting to do a lot better in his Math class and our relationship has grown too. We have became really close friends. He has became really close to Lucas as well. It's cute seeing them play together. He was coming today to hang out with Lucas and I to go to King's Dominion, a big amusement park here in Richmond. I finished putting on Lucas' clothes before tying on his light brown Timberlands. "You look so cute." I smiled and kissed his forehead, making him giggle. He was wearing a pair of army green pants and a gray hoodie with a fox on it. I picked him up before walking downstairs. "Are you going to be a good boy at the park?" I asked him and he smiled before nodding. I sat him down on the couch and grabbed my diaper bag, putting in a few extra diapers and a pair of pants in case he has an accident. I poured water into his sippy cup and grabbed the container of Honey Grahams before putting in the bag as well. When I zipped up the bag, the doorbell rang and I ran over to it, hearing Lucas yell Tahj when he saw him.

"This stroller is really light." Tahj said as we walked to the entrance. "Yeah, that's why I got it." I smiled. He smiled too as Lucas squealed. "Do you see the Ferris Wheel?" I asked him. "Yeah." He smiled. I chuckled as we walked to the ticket booth. "He's cute." Tahj smiled before paying for our tickets. "You didn't have to pay." I said to him. "I want to treat you two." He said, making me blush.

"Thanks for the ice cream." I smiled at Tahj as we sat at a picnic table. We went on a ton of rides and had Chik-fil-A for lunch before getting Dipping Dots before we leave. Lucas was sleeping in the stroller. "No problem. I had a lot of fun today." He smiled. "Me too, so did Luke." I ran my fingers through his curly hair. He nodded. "Can I ask you something?" He looked at me. "Yeah, what's up?" I looked back at him. "I was wondering if we could go out sometime, just the two of us?" I bit my lip and looked at him. He had a worried expression on his face that made me smile. "Yeah, I would like that." I looked at him. "You had me worried, don't do that." He chuckled, making me laugh. "You don't have to worry." I smiled and finished my ice cream.

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