Chapter 9

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Jordan's POV:

"So how was yesterday with Tyberius?" Adrianna asked me as we walked to my car. "It was good. He took us the the aquarium and we talked afterwards." I said to her and she nodded. We both got in and I buckled up. I turned the car on and started to drive. "Do you want me to drop you off after i pick up Luke?" I asked her and she nodded. I nodded too and listened to the music that was on her phone as I drove.

"Tell Auntie Addi bye." I said to Luke as she got out. "Bye bye!" He waved as she laughed and waves back. I backed out of her driveway and started down the street. My phone rang and I picked it up seeing that it was Ty. "Hello." I answered, turning the radio down. "Hey Jo, what are you doing right now?" He asked me. "Driving home, why?" "Come to my house." I bit my lip; I didn't want to but he just has this thing about him that I cant just pull away. "Ok, I'm coming." I said to him. "Great, see you then." He said and hung up. I called Damarion and held the phone to my ear. "Hello." He answered after the second ring. "Hey, can you pick up Spencer and Brice from school?" I asked him. "Why?" "Um I'm working on a project with Addi and its really important." I lied. "Ok... I will." He answered and I smiled. "Thank you so much." I parked in Ty's driveway. "No problem." He answered and hung up.

"My niece is over here. She can play with Luke." Ty said to me and pointed to a little girl watching tv. "Ok." I put Luke down and he looked at me. "Maya, go play with Luke." He said to her as the little girl got up. "Outside?" She asked and he nodded.

Ty and I followed them outside and they both ran to the little play area. I sat down on the patio with Ty and looked at him. "Why did you invite me here?" I asked him and he bit his lip. "Doyouwanttogooutwithme?" He asked and i furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I smiled as he blushed. "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked and I bit my lip; I like him but people will think of me differently if I went out with him. I just want to follow my heart. "Of course."

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