Chapter Seven: Get Away From The Crowds

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TW // minor and adult going on a date together (they're 17 and 18 though so like...), food


Remus and Logan left for their date shortly after Virgil got back from his last class of the day, leaving Roman alone with the guy he was hopelessly in love with.

"Hey, Virge, do you wanna go out? I know a place that's really nice for stargazing and we can pick up food on the way" the prince managed to stutter out

'Don't do this. He doesn't like you. He's not your soulmate. You're just going to get your heart broken' Virgil's mind screamed at him. Although, classes were stressing him out and stargazing always helped him calm down...

"Sure. Let me grab some blankets in case it gets cold and we'll head out" the emo replied, walking into the living room and picking up some blankets. "Lead the way, prince of all things gay"

Roman chuckled and walked out of the room, making sure to lock the door. He lead Virgil to his pickup truck and opened the backseat so Virgil could set the blankets down. The pair climbed into the front and began to drive.

Before too long, they stopped at a Chipotle and got out of the truck. While Virgil was ordering, Roman was focused on his phone, sending a text to his brother.

'Taking V to the spot. Should be back by 11'

Once Virgil and Roman had their food, they got back in the truck and continued the drive.

"Where are we going?" Virgil asked

"Well... it's kind of a surprise, but we're gonna drive out of the city and get away from the crowds on campus for a few hours" Roman replied.

Before too long, Roman stopped the truck and got out, opening Virgil's door. The emo looked around, realizing they were just in the middle of a field... then he looked up.

"Woah" Virgil whispered. The sky was clear. A dark blue blanket speckled with white and gold dots covering the sky. It was gorgeous.

Virgil turned around and noticed that Roman had blown up an air mattress in the bed of the truck.

"Do you trust me?" Roman asked, holding out his hand

"Oh my god, you're such a nerd" Virgil replied, grabbing the other's hand. Roman helped Virgil into the bed of the truck before handing him his food.

The pair ate and talked for a while, before just laying on the air mattress and looking up at the stars. It was mostly silent, but the silence was comfortable. Roman glances down for a second and realized that they had unconsciously linked their hands. He decided this was the right time.

"Can I talk to you about something serious?" Roman asked quietly

"Sure, what's up?" Virgil replied, moving so he was facing his flamboyant friend

"I... I have a huge crush on you. I know you don't want a relationship because it won't last, but I just wanted to get that off my chest" Roman said, spilling all of his emotions. Virgil sighed.

"Look, Ro. I'm not gonna lie and say I don't feel the same way about you. But I am gonna say that we're not soulmates. It's not going to work out. We're just going to break each other's hearts and ruin our friendship" the emo replied

"How about if we promise we won't mess up what we have right now? We know it won't last, so why don't we just have 4 and a half months of fun, then break it off when we meet our soulmates?" Roman suggested, earning another sigh from Virgil

'You're going to get your heart broken. Nothing lasts forever' Virgil's head screamed

"Fine... but promise me one more thing" he responded


"Promise that, after our inevitable break up, you'll remember me. Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, red lips and rosy cheeks... say you'll see me again, even if it's just in your wildest dreams?" Virgil asked, holding out one of his pinkies. Roman interlocked it with his own, sealing the promise.


"Thanks for dinner, Lo. I had fun, we should go out more" Remus said before pulling his boyfriend into a kiss

"I'm glad you enjoyed it... are you up for one more thing before we head home?" Logan asked

"Sure! What is it?" Remus asked

"Remember how we were talking about possibly adding Patton and Janus to our relationship?" Remus nodded excitedly "I mentioned it to them and they both seemed very open to the idea, so we're meeting up with them to discuss further"

Remus started flapping his hands in excitement. He couldn't believe this might actually be happening. As the pair approached the coffee shop they were meeting the others in, Remus tried to calm his hands, but when he saw that Patton was also stimming, he decided he'd be fine to just keep doing it.

Logan and Remus walked into the coffee shop and ordered some drinks before sitting down at the table Patton and Janus had already claimed.

"Alright look, I'm just gonna start this off by saying I'm not very good with feelings, but you're all very hot and I'd like to date all of you" Remus said

—One Hour Later—

Prince Dork: oh my god guess who now officially has a boyfriend

Rat King: ha I beat you

Prince Dork: ??

Rat King: guess who now officially has three boyfriends

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