Chapter Sixteen: Princey... I Love You

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TW: alcohol, underage drinking, getting drunk, lots of crying, patton angst, language, middle finger mention, vomit mention, kind of hints at overstimulation (autism, not sexual), really bad headaches

Christmas came and went and before too long, it was New Year's Eve. Roman was sitting on Logans's bed, trying to figure out his feelings.

"I'm just... so into Virgil. Like I think I'm genuinely in love with him. But we both have our swap tonight, so I can't tell him any of that because we're about to find out who our soulmates are and if I tell him he's going to hate me" Roman ranted.

"Roman..." Logan sighed "I'm still not convinced Virgil isn't your soulmate. But if he's not... whatever love you feel for your soulmate will be so much more than what you feel for Virgil. I know it's easier said than done, but you just need to trust the process"

"Okay, thanks. Is it okay with you if I just lay here a little bit more?" Roman asked, earning a chuckle from Logan.

"Sure, kid" he responded

Before long, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Logan called. Patton opened the door.

"Hey, Lo. I picked up some cups for the party!" he said, walking into the room and setting down a large bag of red solo cups.

"Great, thank you so much!" Logan replied, giving Patton a kiss on the cheek

"Wait, what party?" Roman asked, alerting Patton to his presence

"Oh, hey Roman!" Patton replied "We're throwing a New Years party tonight. You can come if you want"


A few hours later, Roman was back in his own dorm room, talking to Virgil.

"The guys are throwing a party tonight. I'm going. You don't have to but like... I think you should. It could be fun" Roman suggested

"I don't know" Virgil replied, then noticed the disappointment on Roman's face "I'll think about it"

"Okay. There's probably gonna be alcohol, just so you know" Roman warned "I don't know if that's a pro or a con for you but just thought I'd mention it"

  A few hours passed, and the pair were at the party.

  'When the cops pull up, they're gonna get the finger, and I don't give a fuck 'cause I'm the designated drinker!' the music blared

  "Remind me why we let you have any input on the playlist" Janus said

  "Because you love me!" Remus responded with a giggle. Janus sighed.

  "You're right. I do" Janus said, before giving Remus a kiss.

  "Okay, so I did some research" Logan said to his boyfriends "And if the four of us are soulmates, we should have another swap tonight, and swap with someone else in the polycule than we did the first time. So for example I would swap with Patton or Janus, because I've already swapped with Remus"

  "So at the end of the night, we'll know for sure?" Patton asked

  "Yeah. We'll know for sure" Logan replied softly before giving Patton a gentle kiss

Throughout the party, Virgil always had a drink in his hand.

  "Virge, dude, maybe you should slow down" Roman suggested, wanting to make sure that his friend didn't hurt himself.

  "I'm fine, princey. I know my limits" Virgil responded, ever so slightly slurred. Roman sighed but decided he wouldn't be able to talk Virgil out of drinking, so he should just keep an eye on him and make sure he stays safe.

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