Chapter Fifteen: Did I Say That Out Loud?

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TW: snowstorms (idk if that needs a warning but better safe than sorry), language

Roman walked into the dorm room, finding Virgil already there.

"I'm officially done with everything for the semester!" Roman said excitedly

"Great job, dude!" Virgil replied, offering his hand for a high five, which Roman happily accepted. "When are you heading home?"

"Remus and I are flying out tomorrow night" Roman responded "I'm pretty excited, we always have our whole extended family over for Christmas, and it's a ton of fun!"

  "Nice! My flight is also tomorrow night, I can drive you to the airport if you want since we both need to get there anyway" Virgil offered, receiving a 'sure' from his roommate.

  They had no idea how wrong they were.

   When they woke up the next day, they found that it had snowed. A lot.

Being a Floridian, Roman was very excited. When Virgil woke up, he was immediately hit with 'We should go outside and make a snowman! We should have a snowball fight! Come on, get out of bed! It snowed!'

"Oh my god, give me a second to adjust to the feeling of being awake" Virgil chuckled "Let's eat something and then, sure. I'll go play in the snow with you"

Roman very excitedly cheered.

"You're so cute" Virgil said with a laugh.

The pair went silent.

"Fuck... Did I say that out loud?" Virgil asked

"Ya know what, let's just pretend this conversation never happened" Roman suggested

"Works for me" Virgil shrugged, popping a few eggos into the microwave.

Before too long, the pair was outside, having the time of their lives. They built a snowman, had a snowball fight, and had a contest to see who could run faster in the snow.

Towards the end of their time outside, Roman tackled Virgil into the snow, landing on top of him. Neither of them could tell if the red on their faces was from the cold or if it was... something else.

Virgil cleared his throat awkwardly before speaking "We should... go inside. It's cold out here"

"Yeah... good idea" Roman stood up, then offered his hand to help Virgil.

The pair checked their phones when they got back inside, and were greeted with bad news.

"Ah, shit" Roman said "Apparently the snow is too bad. My flight got canceled"

"Yeah, mine too" Virgil responded "Should we go check with the others?"

They ended up (almost literally) running into the other four in the hallway.

"You guys too?" Janus asked

"Yeah" Virgil responded "Guess the six of us are gonna be here together for Christmas and New Years"

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