Chapter Eight: At Least Now He's My Dork

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Very early the next morning, Remus woke up with his arms wrapped around Janus' waist. He felt the bed dip on the other side of him and looked over his shoulder, seeing Patton getting out of bed.

"Are you okay?" Remus asked

"I'm just going to get a drink of water. Go back to sleep, darling," Patton responded quietly, careful not to wake any of the others. A couple minutes later he returned and climbed back into bed.

Remus has his eyes closed, and Patton assumed he had fallen back asleep. He softly kissed Logan's cheek, then Remus', then Janus' hand. "Sweet dreams, my loves," Patton whispered.

Remus was still awake, and was now blushing very heavily. He shifted himself a little bit so he could be cuddling both Janus and Patton (unfortunately, unless either Logan or Janus woke up and moved around entirely, it would be impossible for Remus to cuddle all three of his boyfriends in that moment) and slowly drifted off, all the while thinking about how lucky he was, not only to have three amazing boyfriends, but that Janus had a bed large enough to comfortably fit all four of them.

A few hours later, Roman was standing in the kitchen of their dorm room, aggressively whisking a bowl of pancake batter. The door opened and Logan and Remus walked in very quietly.

"Oh, hey... I thought you two were in your room, where were you?" Roman whispered, trying not to wake Virgil, who was still asleep in his bunk

"Damn it, I thought you'd still be asleep. We spent the night in Janus and Patton's room," Remus responded, receiving an eyebrow raise from his brother. "Shut up, we just cuddled," he added, punching Roman lightly in the arm.

"Wait, why are you guys back here? Is everything okay?" Roman asked

"Yeah. Pat and Jan has early classes they had to get to," Logan replied before grabbing Remus' hand and taking him to their room to sleep for a while.

Roman continued with his pancake making and before too long, he was leaving for his first class.

An hour and a half later, Virgil woke up in the top bunk, holding a pillow tightly. He sat up and a sticky note fell off his forehead.

'Had an early class to get to, but I made pancakes and put them in the fridge if you want some. <3
xx, ro'

"He's such a dork... but at least now he's my dork," Virgil said out loud, trying to ignore the voice in his head reminding him that Roman was only his until the end of December. Then something hit him. He got out of bed and sat down at his desk, pulling out his laptop and opening google.

"I really hope this works" Virgil said as they typed their question

'can you change who your soulmate is'

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