Chapter nine

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Third person POV

The whole of Gladiolus academy was in deep slumber. Until the alarm clocks went off...*Ding! DING!!*

In the girls dorm, we find them up already and preparing for school. Although, it was a completely different story for the boys, why? Cause, said boys, slept through the alarms. (No surprise there...). Now, back to the girls.

Leaf's POV

*munch munch* I finished my pbj sandwhich and picked up my back pack, I said my good-byes and closed the door. Walking down the hall I passed by a room, but instead of talking,I heard snoring. 'They're going to be in sooo much trouble.' I thought. Shrugging it off, I kept making my way (downtown walking fast faces past and I'm home bound~) to science.

Entering the class I didn't see Mr.McFlirts-a-lot. I sighed, mumbling, "Thank mew." I sat down and pulled out my notebook, rereading the songs we were going to perform. Me being the lead singer, I had the most to practice. I glanced at the clock, and shoved my notebook in my-green-satchel. "Okay class, is everyone here?" Mrs.Rinkumei asked. Everyone looked around and I heard some murmuring, Gary isn't here yet. "Does anyone know where Gary Oak is?" Mrs.Rinkumei questioned, a little on edge. I couldn't help but grin, maybe his dorm was the one I passed by earlier. Mrs.R was just about to say something when the door bursted open. "Mrs.Rinkumei I'm here! Gomennasai! I slept in, and gomen!" I looked up to see Gary, bowing down to apologize. I stifled a giggle, even the Gary Oak is scared of Mrs.R. I mean, who isn't? She gave a student a whole months worth of detention cause she was chewing gum.
"The exosphere is on which level of the atmosphere?" I raised my hand, she picked me. "On the outermost layer of the atmosphere." I responded. "Good job, Leaf!" She praised, I nodded. "And what is th-?" The bell had cut her off short. Before you could say
'Supercalifragalisticexpealidocious'everyone was out the door.

I headed to the music room, my next class. "Wonder what we're gonna do today..." I was too deep in thought, so I didn't realize a certain brunette standing in my path.

Gary's POV

I was standing in the hallway, thinking about b.o.t.b. when sudden impact makes me fall sideways. Literally. "Gah! What th-!" I stop my statement in mid-sentence. "Gomen! Gomen!" I look up and see a the brunette wearing that white hat of hers. "Heh. It's fine Leafy, I bet you wanted to run into me, huh?" I immediately regret it. The girl I fricking like apologizes to me, and I tease her. "Well I'm sorry that you're a cocky moron!" She states sarcastically and struts off. 'Man, I really need to watch my tongue' I mentally slap myself...then I physically do it. "Ow!" I head off to my next class, grumbling on how stupid I was.

Gomennasai! I've been pre-writing a fanfic that will launch when I'm completely finished with it. That's only one of my problems now. the second one is this HUGE test that's coming up. Darn you, school! Once again, gomen! This is a little longer, hope you enjoyed!

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