-Chapter 3-

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-Denki pov-

I take off my headphones and look at the time, almost 6am, wow, time flies when you listen to music. I go into the bathroom and look into the mirror, I guess having no sleep really shows on your face. I grab some make up and start covering up the eye bags and bruises I received from my lovely father. I look at the time again, 6am exactly, perfect, I have 10 minutes to have a shower before my sister comes in.

I turn on the water, making sure it's as cold as possible and step under, I wince as water pours down on my arms and stomach. Probably should have thought about the pain of having a shower before getting in. I wrap my arms around myself in an attempt to protect my cuts, it worked pretty well, but soon enough I realised I missed the pain. I make sure to position my arms so they can get the most water poured on them. I sighed in relief, the pain really helps sometimes. God, I really have lost it haven't I.

I turned the water off and rewrapped my dirty bandages. It sucks that I ran out, but it's fine, it's only for a day. Besides if I get an infection, that will probably be painful, painful enough to get what I deserve. Halfway through putting my uniform on, my sister walked into the bathroom. I spun around, shit, guess I lost track of time, "I'm sorry I'm just-" I started but stopped. I stared at my sister, Nessa, her black hair is tied up in a bun, and done in a way so the yellow streaks can't be seen, she is wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts. She clearly got our mothers looks, while I didn't.

"Why the fuck are you staring" she snapped, I jumped, I hate when I do that, just get lost in my thoughts, see I'm doing it again, god, I'm the worst. "Well" she said, clearly wanting me out of there. Despite myself I smiled, just a small smile, she got her attitude from our mother too, while me, well, I got nothing, I'm a disappointment. "S-sorry, I was just l-leaving now" I grabbed my shirt as I said this and practically ran out of the room, as I did, Nessa grabbed my arm. I tried not to scream, her iron grip was pressing onto my cuts. I stared at her and gulped, she sighed and glared at me with her blue eyes, the only thing Nessa got from father. "Don't do that again, you're wasting water on your useless body" she said, while chucking me out of the door and slamming it behind her.

I look at the door, I wish I wasn't so much of a failure, so we could get along. "Hey, what the fuck was that?!" I freeze at the voice, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. "You broke the most important rule," dammit, the most important rule, not being rude to my sister, that and not waking up my father. I broke both of those rules. I didn't turn around, worried that would make things worse, my father kicked my spine a few times, I heard a sickening crack. As he walked away I stood up, leaning against the wall for support.

I slowly walk to my room, and put my shirt on, although my classmates never see my bruises, I think they'll notice if I can barely walk nor breathe. Well, I guess I have to rely on my acting skills. I grab my bag and put on my headphones while climbing out of my window, I look at my watch, I have enough time to get to school, if I walk fast. I shuffle my playlist, it started with one of my favourite songs, Alone by Nico Collins. (A/N: This is a great song, I recommend it)

-Shinso pov-

As I sipped on my coffee walking to school, I saw a flash of yellow. I turned and looked at the other side of the road, as someone jumped out of a window, brushed some dust off himself and put his headphones on, starting to walk in the direction of my school. I stared dumbfounded, who can jump out of a two story window like it's part of a normal routine. I looked at the guy, he looked my age with bright yellow hair and a U.A uniform. Oh wait, wasn't he the electricity guy in my class, what was his name, uhh, right, Denki Kaminari. Why would Denki have to jump out of the window, why can't he use the door, like a normal person? I guess I can question him about it later. I started walking again, putting that weird experience to the back of my mind, I hope he's okay though.

-Timeskip to start of class-

-Denki pov-

I open the classroom door, I'm the first here, again, I guess my estimation of how long it takes to get to school is wrong, again. I sit down and turn my music up louder, I take my sketchbook out of my bag and grab a pencil, I flip through the pages until I reach a blank page. I start sketching, unsure of what I'm sketching. I just draw what I feel, what I think, it usually turns out good, sometimes it turns out concerning enough to send me to a therapist, which I don't really need, nor want.

"Kaminari, oh my god, Kaminari!" someone yelled in my ear, I jumped and fell out of my chair, I landed on my arm, I bit my lip to prevent shouting in pain. "Oh, sorry, I yelled your name ten times and you weren't responding." I look up and see Shinso, unable to hide a wince, I stand up, "it's no problem, probably shouldn't have been listening to such loud music, heh" I say, rubbing my neck. Shinso gives me a weird look, then shrugs, and says "it's not your fault, sorry probably should have tapped your shoulder instead." Shinso then walked to his seat, "nice drawing by the way" he said while sitting down. I flash him a smile and turn back to my drawing.

I had drawn a basic sketch of a lone tree that was being struck by lightning, I don't know how this came to my mind, I closed my book, it was pretty good, I may colour it in later on. Soon enough, everyone in my class filed in, and everyone started talking, until Aizawa came in, holding his sleeping bag. "Good morning everyone, All Might insisted that we had a training session today, I'm not sure why, but that will be our last session today, this session is for you to study, you may talk, but if you talk to loud, I will not hesitate to expel you" and with that our teacher moved to the corner and started to sleep.

Everyone started to talk about how excited they were to miss maths and what All Might wants, but I was thinking about one thing. How could I train today? I could barely walk, and besides, what about the bruises, people would surely question them. Shit, I should've just stayed home today.

Well, over 1000 words, I'm proud, also introduced the sister and actually changed perspectives! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry I haven't updated for a week, my friend went through surgery, so you know, I was busy. Sorry if I changed from past to present tense a few times, I don't understand that shit. Next update will be soon, also thanks for reading this. I'm actually 6th in denkiangst, which is awesome, thank you guys for the support and I'm glad you enjoy this!

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