-Chapter 8-

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Denki Pov:

It's our first lesson, maths, how lovely. I look at the board pretending to focus. In reality I'm getting lost in my thoughts again, I'm gonna do it today. At lunch, on the roof. No one will expect anything and by the time they do, I'll be gone. But will the BakuSquad notice that I'm not sitting with them? No I've run off during lunch before, they didn't care, probably assumed that I was talking to Mr Aizawa about my grades. I sigh, after today I don't have to worry about grades.

"Kaminari, Kaminari, are you listening?" I snap out of my thoughts to my teacher's voice. "Uh, yes?" I say nervously. "Right, so you'll be able to answer this question on the board." The teacher said almost evilly. I look at the board, all I see are numbers flying around the board, I can't solve that. "Um, no, sorry." I say sheepishly. "Of course, and this is why you have to listen in class, you need your grades up." The teacher says disappointedly, "sorry." I mutter.

-Timeskip to lunch cause i can't be stuffed to write the rest of the school day-

After class finishes I wait for everyone to leave. Pretending I have to pack my bag, I bet you all my classmates think I'm stalling because I have to talk to the teacher about grades, again. I probably do but not today. One everyone leaves, I pick up my bag and head towards the door. "Kaminari, before you go, I do expect better grades from you, I'm sure you can do better than this." My teacher says, sighing, I nod quickly before leaving and heading up the familiar stairwell to the roof. Once I get up there I decide to just sit there for a bit. Y'know, to remember memories or whatever.

Bakugo Pov:

I got up from our table, not wanting to hear everyone's shit about Kami not being here. Although I am really worried about him. Recently his smiles have seemed so forced, his laughs so fake. Looking back on it now it's always been like that. It's just we've never noticed cause Kami's such a good actor. Not to mention he always wears makeup, faking it as trying out a new style. He wears long sleeve shirts as much as he can. Even in the dead of summer. FUCK. How did we never pick up on it? How did I never not pick up on it? I walk out of the cafeteria, throwing out my lunch on the way, not like I'm gonna eat it now. "Bakugo? You okay dude?" I hear Kiri shout from behind me, I wave my hand in dismissal, I'll talk to him later. Right now I have to talk, as well as find, Kami.

I walk down the maze of corridors lost in my thoughts. I suddenly stop realising I have to be smart about this. I can't just aimlessly walk everywhere hoping that Kami will be around the corner. Think Bakugo, if what you think is really happening, where would Kami be? WAIT. He would be on the roof, of course. Well, that's the most logical answer, it's secluded, he'd be alone, no one would hear him and, well, it's deadly. I run to the stairs and fucking sprint up all of them. When I reach the top I take a deep breath and push open the door.

I immediately get blasted in the face with wind. Damn, didn't expect it to be so windy up here. "Uh, Bakugo, what are you doing here?" I hear a voice say, I open my eyes to see Kami sitting with his legs crossed. His back leaning on the ledge. "Hi Kami, I was looking for you, what're you doing up here." I say, trying to play off the anxiety still in my head. "Oh, right, yeah sorry I didn't sit with you guys today, kinda just wanted to be alone." Kami says, rubbing his wrist anxiously. "All good, I get that." I say cautiously, looking around for any kind of clue that could tell me what the fuck is going on with Kami.

"Y'know you don't have to stand there like some kind of awkward kid who just met me, you can sit down if you want." Kami says, smiling softly. I nod and walk over to him, it's weird seeing him like this. Without his big ass smile that seemed to light up the room. His cheery, usually loud voice. Even his eyes seem different, that sounds weird, but the light in them is gone, it just seems like he's stopped pretending, or too tired to. Is this where he was when he missed our lunches together? Is it cause he was too tired to pretend to be happy? To be himself, or rather what we think is himself? Jesus, we were all so oblivious to his pain, it's so fucking obvious now.

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