-Chapter 5-

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-Shinso pov-

God, I really didn't want to do this, I hate using my quirk on someone without their permission, especially when it's personal. I argued when dad asked me to do it, saying it was an invasion of privacy and I still stand by that, but he seemed really concerned, saying it would benefit Kaminari and that he would thank us later, blah blah blah. Although he had logical reasons I could tell he was incredibly worried and wanted to help. I looked at Kaminari, no judgement, but he looked terrible, his eyes were red which I assumed were from crying, he looked way too thin and had bruises covering his body. I saw the way he looked at the water and then didn't drink it, what was stopping him? It hurt me, seeing him without his bright smile, I guess it was fake, but when he smiled, everyone smiled around him, even me.

"Drink that water" I said, that was more important than dad's questions, speaking of him, he somehow made his way to stand next to me, I still can't notice him when he does that, is he some kind of ninja or something?! As Kaminari finished the water, I looked at dad and sighed, I gestured for him to tell me his questions. He looked at me with sympathy, he knew that I didn't like doing this, he put a hand on my shoulder "ask him if he knows why he collapsed" he said.

"Do you know why you collapsed at school?" I can't say I'm not curious either, I hope it doesn't have something to do with him jumping out of that window. Kaminari nodded once, "tell us" I say. "I think I broke a rib and I think the pain finally hit me" he said in a monotone. Both me and dad were shocked, "how did you break a rib?!" I half shout, I realise I'm losing control over him, for once I'm annoyed that my quirk has a stupid time limit. "My father-" and then Kaminari clamped his hand over his mouth, shit, dad was clearly thinking the same thing.

"Kaminari what were you going to say, something about your father?" dad questions. Kaminari frantically shakes his head, his eyes wide and panicked. Dad sighs, "Hitoshi, leave, he clearly won't talk with you around" he whispered to me, great, just great, the only guy who wants to be friend will no longer talk to me, I glare at my dad and walk out of the room, passing a worried glance to Kaminari as I leave, I hope he's okay.

-Denki pov-

Shit, shit, shit, shit, I am such an idiot, I almost told them about my father, great, now they're suspicious, good job Denki, you've become more of a failure, you need to be punished. I know, I know, I'll do it tonight, just piss off for the time being, oh wow, I'm yelling at a voice in my head, guess I am crazy huh. I'm still yelling at myself as Shinso leaves, Shinso, I trusted him, but he goes and betrays me, just like everyone else, just like your friends are going to, it's just a matter of time. I clutch my head, trying to stop these thoughts, not true, not true, my friends won't do that, no, no, they wouldn't. Unable to stop it, I realise I'm muttering this to myself. I look up and see Mr Aizawa, he looks worried, but he doesn't come near me, which is probably a smart move.

"Kaminari, are you okay?" he says slowly, I almost scoff and burst out laughing right there, am I okay, what kind of fucking question is that, yes, yes, of course I'm okay, I'm Denki Kaminari, how can I not be okay? I smiled up at Aizawa, "yeah, course I'm okay, just a bit shaken up, it's funny what a broken rib can do to your mind, heh." I must sound really stupid, but thats fine, cause thats who I am, stupid, an idiot, thats who I am, it takes all of my self control to not start muttering that.

Aizawa doesn't believe it, well, who would, I look out at the small window in the room, shit, it's like halfway through the day. My dad is so gonna kill me. "Oh, wow, look at that, it's already daytime, damn, that went fast, well, I better get going, thanks for letting me stay here, wherever here is" I say cheerily. Mr Aizawa looks dumbfounded, as I stand up and walk unsteadily to the doorway, he seems to realise what I said. "Oh, no, nope, you ain't going anywhere kid, you are staying right here" he starts to move towards the door, clearly wanting to close it.

I stiffen and quickly weigh my options. I can run, I'm fast, I could get away, but then I would have to explain why to Aizawa, which won't end well, or I can stay here, lie a bit more, and then continue my lie, I mean life. I'm honestly leaning towards the second option, "oh, okay, sorry, guess I'm excited to get home" I say, still happy, I plaster on a fake smile, "soooooo, are you gonna get Recovery Girl, or does your stare heal ribs?" I tease, perfect, I'm back to my 'best'. Aizawa looks torn, he needs to go get Recovery Girl but he clearly doesn't want to leave me here, why does everyone think I'll run?

"Okay, but don't leave this room" he says carefully, "don't worry, I love blank, grey, boring walls, they're my absolute favourite" I say. Perfect, he looks annoyed, he'll think I'm back to myself, before I know it, I'm alone in my 'favourite' room. I stare at the door, suddenly regretting letting Aizawa leave, I stop smiling, and sigh, "well, time to have another conversation with myself" I mutter, how wonderful.

-Timeskip to when Recovery Girl does her thing-

-Aizawa pov-

"He'll live, just make sure he doesn't break a rib in training, or anyone else for that matter" Recovery Girl snaps, making sure to hit my leg with her cane on the way out. I wince, and glare at her, has she always been like that. I look at the newly named, Problem Child 3, god, how did he climb the ranks so fast, that's a record. He won't tell me anything and is able to switch from who he really is to the mask he puts on everyday, that's a rather depressing talent. I groan, why did I get the most problemsome class, again?! "I look forward to the day when I can quit this job" I mutter, I look at Kaminari again, something is happening to him and I'm going to find it out, I always do.

Phew, okay, I'm done, for like, the rest of my life. Okay, I'm sorry if this is sit, cause, it is. Also I have just realised how stupid it is that Kami broke his ribs, then half broke them again, then managed to jump out of a window, run to school and be perfectly fine until Aizawa talks to him. That makes no sense and I don't think it's possible, so sorry bout that. Also, I have looked at when people read this, and, either we're in completely different time zones, or you guys stay up at like 2am, I think it's probably the second option, I mean, that's what I do, so, get some sleep, like now. Anyways, thanks for all of the support, I'm really grateful about it, so, yeah, sorry if it's shit, k, bye.

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