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I know I am coming up pretty close to my 2 month deadline 😅. But if I'm completely honest I'm not feeling the motivation to continue this story :/

But at the same time I don't want to discontinue it cause this story has 3k reads?! HELLO?!!? 

Thank you all for all this support, I'm really sorry that I'm not updating this as much as I should be.

So I'm kinda in a bit of a dilemma.

I do want to hear your guys's opinions, like would you guys want me to continue this even if it is lacking the commitment and enthusiasm I had when I first started it?

Obviously I will still continue this, don't worry about that. But I will be on a break I guess. Until I have motivation. 

It really sucks cause I have gotten overwhelming support on this yet I don't want to write it! And I am so so sorry that you guys aren't getting the quality of chapters that you so deserve. I promise I will keep updating this, just need some ideas! 

I don't want to say, 'I'll update this in a month!' Or something like that cause obviously I haven't met those kinds of deadlines in the past. But I swear you will get an update, I am not ending this story like that!

But anyways, sorry I kinda went on a rant there...

I will update this sometime, but if you guys have any ideas or even advice please let me know! It helps a lot, so yeah. 

Sorry again, and I will see you guys in the next chapter!

Make sure to drink water and eat if you haven't already. And get some sleep! 

Byeeeee <3 :)

One more thing, I do hate promoting myself I guess but if you do like my writing I have another account with stories that I do actually update! Crazy I know. So if you want to check that out I would greatly appreciate it! I do write more dream smp related things there, so if you're in that fandom as well maybe you could go look! Only if you want to that is.

The account is -ghost_writer

Thank you all again so much and I (hopefully) will see you in some of my other stories. Make sure to let me know if you're from this one, or have read this recently or whatever! I always love to interact with my readers so leave a comment or a dm if you want to!

I promise this is it. Good bye, love you all :D

What You Can't See (rewritten, check profile!)Where stories live. Discover now