-Chapter 10-

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-Denki Pov-

I walk outside the school with my head down. Hoping that I don't run into anyone after my outburst in class. I speed up, hoping Shinso will just lag behind. He doesn't. "Why are you going so fast?" He asks, walking at the same pace as me. I roll my eyes, "why are you caring?" I mutter under my breath, only going faster. I can hear Shinso sigh behind me but yet he still carries on besides me. We keep walking in silence and I'm not sure if I'm grateful for it or not.

When we finally reach my street I turn to look at him. "Okay this is where you wait." I say, looking behind me on the off chance my dad is behind me. "Woah woah, since when was that part of the deal?" Shinso argues, "since now." I hiss in response, leaving him behind, hoping that he'll stay put. I don't bother looking behind me again, the lack of footsteps tells me enough. I walk through the gate and again wonder if I should knock. I shake my head, Shinso may not be with me but he's still observing.

I reach to open the door but it opens at the same time. I stand awkwardly as my sister is revealed in the doorway. "You're early." She remarks, looking down at me. I shrink down on myself and murmur, "school finished early." She gives me a look and then scoffs, "didn't ask." And with that she leaves, walking out presumably to some party. I sigh and untense my body, not even caring that Shinso may have seen us.

I walk in quietly, avoiding all the creaky floorboards in hopes that I don't wake my father. Also in hopes that he's asleep. I grab a random backpack and fill it up with clothes, headphones and a charger. I run back downstairs and reach the front door. I rest my hand or the doorknob and swear under my breath. My dad won't know where I am. He's gonna be pissed. I sigh and weigh my options, taking one look behind me in fear he's sneaking up on me. I push open the door and half run out of the house. I don't look back as I walk back up to Shinso. An angry dad is future Denki's problem to deal with.

"You ready?" Shinso calls, I nod and follow him back to his house. To my surprise and displeasure, he lives really close. Has he seen me doing something reckless? Like jumping out the window instead of the door? I laugh quietly, probably small in comparison to what he caught me doing today. I look up at the back of his purple hair, he's done a good job of pretending it never happened. But for how long is that gonna last?

"We're here." Shinso announces, pulling out his key from his pocket. I look at the house, a modern two story family house. Like most of the other houses on the street. Walking in I'm not swallowed by ridiculous family photos like most houses. Instead I'm greeted by a cat. I blink, no two cats. I blink again and then there's three. Great, magic cats. "Come on, let's go upstairs. My dads won't be here till later." Shinso says, already walking up the stairs. I look around for a second and leave the cloning cats behind.

Shinso goes into what could be predicted to be his room. I follow him and stand awkwardly in the middle of it. For what it's worth, it's a nice room. A light shade of purple with a black beanbag in the corner. And the bed and cupboards, but those are irrelevant. "You can sit if you want." Shinso offers, hiding his smile. Still half clueless, I sit down on the floor and start taping my knee in boredom. "Y'know this has been so cool and all. With your cloning magic cats, but can we do something?" I ask, fidgeting even more. God, I just can't sit still can I?

Shinso raises an eyebrow. "That short of an attention span, huh?" He jokes, I smile, but it's forced. I understand that it's good natured and whatever, but it still makes me uncomfortable. "Well we could study?" I crinkle my nose at the suggestion but then I realise I probably need to do so. "Yeah okay." I mutter, reaching over to grab my books from my bag. "So what do you want to do first?" Shinso asks, sorting through his bag. "English." I say immediately, I might have to study, but it doesn't mean I have to study god forsaken maths.

Shinso groans, "not my strong suit." "Not many people's strong suit." I reply, opening my English book. "English is such a dumb language." Shinso complains, I chuckle. "We're not even 5 minutes into it yet. But what do you need help with?" Shinso looks at me, before gesturing to the mess he calls notes. "Why do they use 'a' for everything but vowels? What's the point?" I shrug, not really knowing the answer myself. "Maybe cause it sounds better. Like 'an apple' sounds better than 'a apple.'"

"But how did they even choose the vowels? Like why are a, e, i, whatever the fuck the rest are so important?" Shinso asks, not even looking at his book anymore. "Well first the vowels are, 'a, e, i, o, u' and I'm not completely sure." I say, writing a few notes down for writing. "How do you know so much about English?" Shinso asks curiously. I wince and start to open my mouth to explain before Shinso cuts me off. "I mean it's not like you aren't smart enough to know that. But you seem to have a bad memory, and don't focus that much in class. Sorry if that isn't true but just an observation." I gape, I've never been called smart before.

"It's- um, I'm bilingual?" I stutter out, recovering from the compliment Shinso unknowingly gave me. "Oh really. Is English your first language?" Shinso questions, I nod, not trusting myself to speak. "That's really cool." Shinso says, offering me a smile. I look down at my hands, "I, uh, also know sign language." I murmur, trying to offer conversation. "Woah, that's amazing. You're really talented if you know three languages." Shinso says in what could be called awe. I smile awkwardly, not having the words to reply.

"Do you speak English at home?" Shinso asks again, I hold back my flinch. I wish, but I'm looked down upon for being born in a different country. "Uh, no. But I switch to English if I get stressed or nervous." I say instead, trying to divert the attention from my family. "Oh really, is that cause you're more comfortable with the language?" Shinso guesses, I nod. "Kind of, for me English is a lot easier than Japanese. So I stutter less and can talk better I guess." I answer, fidgeting with my hands. I don't think I would be able to find the right words in any language.

Shinso nods in understanding. "I get that." He says, I sit there expecting more questions from him, but after a moment of silence I realise he's actually focusing now. I turn back down to my page and try to focus too. I have to practice for the upcoming essay. My English might be good, but I still need to practice. I forget a lot of important things in English, which can cost me marks. And right now, I'm living off of my English marks. We stay like this for a while. Studying in silence, until the door opens from downstairs. And what I can only presume is Shinso's dads start walking up the stairs.

me: oh wow, let's check that denki angst story i wrote ages ago. wonder how it's doing. see's the story has 4.8k reads. what the FUCK

here you have an accurate representation of me almost every day. anyways hope you guys enjoyed, i know it took a while, 3 months to be exact. um well i had to get a chapter out for pride month. yes that was my only motivation. speaking of pride month, i have a small announcement to make. so i'm aroace, have been for a while and in case you don't know what that means, basically i feel no romantic or sexual attraction. to anyone. and because of this, my story won't be having any romantic features within it. so to any people who were only here to say denki and shinso kiss, too fucking bad.

as always i can not thank you guys enough for the support! like 4.8k reads?! that's so many of you people. so thank you so much for reading this and supporting me, it means so much! as you all know by now, this story doesn't have a schedule. i'm really not into this fandom anymore and as much as i want to discontinue the story, i must go on for all of my amazing readers. my chapters are gonna be shorter and the plot i will most likely be stupidly speedrunning so it'll be fast paced. maybe. but that'll be all for today, excited for the next chapter, i'll see you guys then! BYEEEE :D

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