Chapter 28 - It Is What It Is

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     There I was, standing in the middle of the council room along with my Crystal Group. All eyes were on us, judging us and deciding what to do with us.

     A random man approached me and put some handcuffs on me. I glanced at my sister who stood in the side with all the other student council members. She didn't bat an eye.

     I then realized that this matter was far more dire than I thought. We were going to be judged by the teachers of MA.

     "What is the meaning of this?" I asked, making all the murmurings in the room stop. I smirked. "What's wrong? You're not scared, are you?"

     "Queen, no." King hissed.

     I huffed and looked at the old man who sat at the centre of it all. His eyes were dull and emotionless unlike his usual cheerfulness. He held no expression at all. I already had trouble reading people but now, it's even worse.

     "I could ask you the same thing, Queen." A voice bellowed. I looked at its source and met eyes with the teacher that I suspected of being evil. The one with grey hair, grey eyes and chocolate brown skin. I glared at her and proceeded to look everyone in the eye.

     "I was trying to do something all of you cowards hesitate to do." I started. "I'm going to get rid of the Demon King!"

     "Queen, please stop." Zes whispered from my side.

     "Yeah, I don't want us to get into more trouble." Zay whispered from the other side.

     "Your intention is appreciated, Queen." The old man finally spoke. "But your methods, not at all."

     I tried to blast the handcuffs off me but failed to activate my magic.

     "Those cuffs prevent the wearer from being able to use magic." A blue haired teacher said. "We anticipated your aggressiveness thanks to Harmonica."

      I shot a glance at Harmonica who looked completely indifferent to the situation.

     "You forgot my Crystal Group." I chuckled.

     "They won't do anything." He continued. "They seem to have given up on your leadership."

      I looked at my group and frowned. I knew I couldn't do anything now but when someone slapped the fact into my face, it hurt so bad.

     "What punishment are you going to give us?" I asked. "Jail time?"

     "Precisely," said the old man. "But first, let's call in your... defender."

     The double doors behind me were pushed open and in came Charles. I looked at him in shock. Our eyes met and he gave me a warm smile.

     "Speak, Protector Charles." The old man commanded.

     "It is my sworn duty to protect Archarios' Queen and Zes and as the respected noble family of Protectors, I humbly take blame for their actions." Charles stated. Noble family? And why the heck is he taking the blame?!

     "I-" I was cut off by Charles.

     "They are but younglings who think they can do anything with their newfound powers." Charles added. "I humbly request you to excuse their childish acts as they are as they are- childish acts."

     "Rich coming from YOU, Charles," The grey haired ancient magic teacher scoffed. "If I remember correctly, an entire Crystal Group was eradicated about two years ago. The Protector, who had to protect three of the four, received a ban for two years."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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