Chapter 13 - We Wrecked The Council Room With A Car

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     Before the shadow could engulf me into itself, it let out a cry and disappeared. Everything around me went back to normal. The people continued to sunbathe, swim and sail. There were no winds anymore it felt as if the people around were oblivious of the fact that a shadow monster had appeared.

     I looked around in search of my saviour and saw Estelle breathing hard as she made her way to me. She pulled me into a hug and patted my back reassuringly. Tears formed in my eyes. I quickly blinked them away and took a deep breath in.

     "You're okay," Estelle cooed. I let out a sigh of relief.

     "I'm okay too, by the way," Shaun said while he lay on the sand. We giggled at his comment and soon he joined in.

     "Let's get outta here," Estelle said. "We don't know if it's gonna come back."

     "Elle, Shaun saw..." I said. "He saw me use—" Estelle stopped me from completing my sentence.

     "No, he didn't. It was the Shadow that came first, therefore, you had to protect yourself and hence, had to use your magic." She said while walking us to a car.

     "That's not what happened," I reasoned. "I used my powers first and then the Shadow appeared."

     "Tell that story if you wanna die," Estelle sternly said. "Now, get in the car."

     Shaun and I obeyed Estelle and got in the back seats. Surprisingly, Blade was in the driver's seat. I mentally facepalmed and looked out the window.

     "Are you alright?" Blade asked while driving away from the Bluffs. Oh, goodness. You really want me to talk to him, don't you?

     "I'm fine," I said.

     "Me too, since you're asking." Shaun butted in with a wide grin plastered on his face.

     "Who's this?" Blade asked.

     "I'm Shaun, you are?"


     "Cool name!" Shaun exclaimed. "I wish my parents named me something like that."

     Blade kept silent, not letting the conversation go any further. The silence was awkward and I think Estelle felt the same so she put some music on the radio.

     "Where are we going?" I asked.

     "We're gonna drop Shaun at his house and then take you to the Elder." Estelle chimed.

     The drive went silent until we dropped Shaun at his garage. He'd rather spend his entire life in his garage instead of his room. He's car crazy, his parents think it's just a phase but I'm sure it's not.

     His house wasn't too far, I guess it was a fifteen-minute drive, but I don't trust myself when it comes to 'time' in general.

     "That was cool," Shaun said. "We should do it again."

     Before I could say anything, Blade replied with, "No." and drove away, leaving a stunned Shaun behind. Estelle looked back at me with a smile that said, 'This is normal, you'll get used to it' and turned back to face the road.

     "Ava," Blade called. "Take us to the Council Room."

     The car started to glow and shake. "Wait, what?!" Estelle yelled. "The Council Room?!"

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