Chapter 14 - Possessed By The Devil

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     "Are you really Nether?"

     "Of course she is you dummy!" the old man exclaimed. "She's your Mageia, isn't she?"

     "But you said that ones Mageia isn't necessarily opposite to ones power," Harmonica argued.

     "It is not necessary but it does not mean that it is not possible," the old man said.

     "Oh..." Harmonica said and looked down. She then snapped her head at me and stared into my eyes. I tried to look as normal as possible. I probably failed at that because the next moment, she glanced at the old man and at Blade and the gestured something to them. They nodded at her and followed her out of the room.

     I was alone in the Council Room. I had a hunch about what they were discussing about. But I had to confirm it. I had to know and hear it for myself.

     I crept my way to the door and pressed my ear against it to hear them better. My eyes widened as I confirmed my thoughts. I was right. It's been in my head for so long, but now I had to know why.

     I pushed open the door and said, "I have to know!" The three, no, the four of them, including Ava, the fairy, looked at me wearily. I was sad, sad that Harmonica had the same reaction. She's my sister, yet she's scared of me. It felt like she was a completely different person whenever she's Harmonica, she wasn't my big sis Estelle.

     They didn't reply so I repeated myself, "I need to know who this Abaddon is," I pleaded. "Since the day I got here, people have been throwing that name around whenever they saw me. So please tell me! What did he do to you guys that made everyone hate him?"

     I was going to continue but Harmonica spoke instead. "I'm sorry, we cannot disclose sensitive information."

     "But this information is related to me!" I argued. "Therefore, I have the right to know!" A huge black blast of energy flowed through me and spread all over the floor, sending the four flying. Something black started clouding my eyes and in a matter of seconds, I couldn't see anything. I somehow knew exactly where each one of them was.

     I could feel something negative growing in me, something controlling me.

     "Stop it, Queen!" The old man demanded. I tried to stop but I couldn't control it. The negativity kept growing. I kept fighting it. I screamed and got on my knees, trying to dispel the energy. I felt more dark energy shoot out of my hands. It hurt, it hurt so bad. Tears streamed from my eyes as I kept screaming and letting out more dark energy.

     "I. Am. Coming. For. You." I said. But it wasn't in my voice, it was the voice from the bluffs. My head spun and the dark energy disappeared. My vision returned to me, it was not clouded in black anymore. My body felt weak and I couldn't support myself. I let myself fall on the hard tiles. I was slowly blacking out.

     "Let me go!" Harmonica screamed. "Queen!" Harmonica rushed to me and shook me. My eyelids were heavy as I slowly blinked at her, trying to understand what she was saying.

     "You're okay! Stay with me, please!" She pleaded with teary eyes. I gave her a slight smile and craned my neck to take a look around me. I recognized the faces around me as the Council members. I smiled at them as well.

     "Harmonica, use your powers, she's your Mageia." The old man suggested.

     "Right, right, right!" Harmonica said while smiling through tears. "I'm here."

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