Chapter 7 - The Crystals Aren't Pretty Anymore

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     I salute you, creator in the skies.

     I kept struggling and squirming around to get the freak off my back. I could feel my heartbeat quickening. He got a hold of my hands and aggressively held them behind my back by my wrists. Is he going to rape me?!

     'When all hope is lost, when you're in a tight situation, you must remember everything you were taught.' My father's voice echoed. I suddenly knew exactly what to do. I remembered everything I was taught. I had a sudden surge of power. I rolled over and fought back. The monster let my hands go. I pinned him to the floor and twisted his hand, enough for it to hurt. He let out a low grunt. I couldn't see the criminals face because he wore a mask that covered his entire head, except for his eyes. They were a beautiful forest green, but they lost their beauty because they belonged to a jerk.

     "Okay – ow! Let me go! I won't hurt you!" he pleaded. I smiled and twisted his hand even more. That's what you get for hurting a Kingsley.

     "And why should I trust you, hmm?" I asked while I dug my nails into his skin. I internally thanked Brenda for telling me to grow my nails, and also thanked my father for teaching me some good tricks.

     "Because I'm the Keeper of this library! I was just doing my job!" he reasoned. "Girls these days keep getting fiercer and scarier!" he complained. "Also, please clip your nails," he suggested. I thought for a while and finally decided to let him go.

     But I regret my decision. Why am I so soft?

     The moment I let go of him, he lunged at me. "Dude, what the heck?" I gasped. He pinned my hands above my head with one hand and held a knife of sorts against my neck with the other.

     "This is the part where you tell me who you are and why you're here." He growled.

     "This is the part where you let me go," I retorted. "Why are you so obsessed to know who I am? I mean, I know I'm pretty but I didn't know I was that pretty."

     "You think I'll let you go that easily? I underestimated you once, but I'm not going to make the same mistake. Now, answer the question!" he bellowed. Gee, talk about skipping Ear Day. "I could cover you in dirt and ruin your 'pretty' face right now!" he said. It somehow felt like he was smirking. I don't know how I could tell, I just could.

     I decided to stay silent. I could tell that this guy with a low IQ didn't have the intention to hurt me any further. I could see it in his eyes.

     We stayed like that for longer than I liked, him glaring into my eyes and me staring into his blankly. I just imagined myself walking through a dense forest to pass the time.

     "Lyerth, where are you, boy?" someone called. Lyerth's eyes widened. "There you are!" An old man appeared out of nowhere, probably from behind the bookshelves. "What are you doing to that poor girl? Get off her or you'll suffocate her."

     "Yes, I'm sorry," Lyerth said while getting off me. "Let me explain, Elder."

     When he finally got off me, he gave me one last glare and started explaining the situation. I sat up and stretched. I watched as the old man nodded throughout Lyerth's explanation. He then patted Lyerth on the head and said something along the lines of 'you were doing your duty.'

     The old man directed his attention to me. I stood up and dusted myself. I stepped back with my right leg, ready to kick him in the face. 'You must always stay on guard, you and your sister, you're both very special.' I reminisced my father's words. I'd always thought that he said that because he was a protective parent. But now I know he was talking about this side of the world. The magical side.

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