Chapter 26 - The Most Perfect Picnic - NOT!

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    A whole week passed with nothing noteworthy happening. None of us first years were called to MA. Good for me!

     I was at home, chilling. Well, for the most part. I stood in the kitchen, humming to myself in my pink apron while making vanilla cupcake batter. The T.V. was switched on in the background so I wouldn't feel lonely.

     I was home alone. My sister, as the President of MA, had to go every day, and my mother had to stay at her flower shop.

     I lined the cupcake liners in the baking tray. Just then, my phone vibrated on the counter. I looked to see who messaged me. It was some unknown number.

Meet me at the Scarborough Bluffs.

     I had no idea who the heck had gotten my number recently so I texted back.

Who dis?

     Seconds later I got a reply.


     I calmly set my phone back down and backed away from it. Smiling to myself, I continued to pour the batter into the cupcake liners. To my dismay and disbelief and horror, THE PHONE BEGAN RINGING.

     I screeched like a banshee and picked the call.

     The other side was silent until I heard a low sigh. "Queen,"

     "Yeah, one sec, let me put you on speaker." I hastily said and set the phone on the counter, this time with the speakers switched on.

     "What are you doing?" King asked. He sounded like he was out of breath.

     "I'm baking cupcakes," I replied while pushing the first tray into the oven. "You sound like you're running."

     "Yeah, I'm walking my dog, well, no, jogging."

     "You have a dog?" I said while pushing the second tray into the oven and shutting it behind me.

     "That's what I said."

     "Cool... So, why did you call? How'd you get my number?"

     "I called so we could hang out. Got your number from Zes." King responded.

     "I see... Who is 'we'?"

     "Our Crystal Group." King chuckled.

     My face lit up in a smile. "I'll be there in a few minutes!"

     "Don't take too long," King said. "See you at Bluffers Park."

     "See you soon, bye!" I said and cut the call.

     "Well, that wasn't so bad..." I said to myself. I set the timer for the cupcakes and waltzed to my room to pick out an outfit.

     I dug out my favorite denim shorts, a brand new sleeveless white top with a ribbon tied to its front, and my straw hat. I quickly changed into the clothes. I brushed out my messy hair and did my usual makeup routine that consisted of a fragrant cream, makeup powder, pink lipgloss, and finally, mascara.

 I brushed out my messy hair and did my usual makeup routine that consisted of a fragrant cream, makeup powder, pink lipgloss, and finally, mascara

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