Chapter 6 - My Face Probably Needs Patching Up

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     I think I like him.

     I walked out of the arena with that thought still lingering in my mind. I was also shocked that I had gotten sorted into the Unique Group. Okay, let me rephrase that – I, Sheila Kingsley, a total nobody at school who would also be a loner if it weren't for Brenda and Allen, got sorted into the Unique Group even though I live a miserable social life. I was sure that life was playing a joke on me. It felt like life would knock on my door at any moment and say – 'Heya Kid! I've come back to inform you that you are not supposed to be having a good time. I hope you understand the reason I'm taking your happiness away.'

     This is probably a mistake. But if it isn't a mistake, then I hope all the nobodies in the world have an opportunity like this, unless it's actually a mistake. But then again, it can't be a mistake. Blade, the overly hot guy with the best jawline ever could never make a mistake. Anyone can see it in his piercing steel-blue eyes and hear it in his soothing deep voice. Oh, and also the way his perfect black hair just sat on his head, intensifying his beauty. Yup, that guy could never EVER make a mistake.

     I snapped out of my thoughts and found my way back to the seats. I spotted Charles and who sat next to an unconscious Brenda. Charles looked at me and smiled.

     "Great job, kiddo," he congratulated.

     "Uh, thanks?" I replied. "What's so great about that?"

     "You have no idea."

     I could barely remember what I did. I could only remember that my eyes went completely black and then the next thing I know, there were screams and cries.

     I sat next to Brenda and patted her head. I looked at the arena from the screens. I watched as the cameras did a zoom in on my sis-err Harmonica and Blade discussing something. They looked serious. I figured that they were probably discussing about my sorting. It was probably a mistake. I didn't want to stay to be humiliated by everyone when they decide that I'm in no way unique.

     "Hey? Hello? Earth to Sheila." Charles called. I snapped out of my trail of depressing thoughts and glanced at Charles. "Why don't you go to the restroom and freshen up. That must've been exhausting." Charles suggested. "And if you have any questions just head to the library. There's a cool dude who's down to help just about anybody."

     "Thanks, Charles." I thanked. "Where's the restroom?"

     "Walkout o' the stadium, take a right and then a left." He instructed. I thanked him once again and stood up from my seat. I looked back at the screens which now showed Zale.

     "Protector Dandelion," Zale called. Two boys got in position to enter the arena. I recognized one of them as the Rude Asian Guy. I shook my head and walked out of the stadium, just as Charles had instructed.

     After walking for a while, I stopped and looked around. There was a problem. I didn't know which right I had to take. I thought that going back inside would be awkward. So I decided to take the first right. I once again walked for a while and noticed that there were crystals embedded into the walls after about every foot. The hallway was beautifully lit with chandeliers more elegant than the ones at the lobby. The lights were calming, not like the annoying ones at school which are present to keep you awake. The floors were completely carpeted in maroon velvet.

     I looked back at the crystals. They were everywhere; it felt like there were more of them than before. It's like all the wealth of the world was stolen to get these crystals, all of them a different colour. For some reason, I felt the crystals stare back at me, but I brushed that feeling off deciding that such a tiny thing could never bother me. I eventually remembered that I was supposed to take a left somewhere.

     I jumped out of my trance once again and scanned the area for a possible left turn. Soon enough, I realized that I was lost.

     "Okay," I said to myself. "I should probably just trace my steps back."

     I turned around and couldn't believe what I was seeing. I couldn't recognize the place. The carpet wasn't maroon anymore; instead, it was royal blue. There were portraits of famous people hung across the walls. People like Ludwig Van Beethoven, Mahatma Gandhi and so on and so forth.

     "Where the hell am I?" I asked no one. I walked along the trail of portraits of which I couldn't recognize some. I stopped in front of a portrait of a woman who I recognized as Jane Austin. I observed her expressionless face.

     "Why are these portraits here? Aren't they supposed to be in a museum or something?" I thought out loud. That's what happens when I'm left alone. I have a habit of conversing with myself when I'm alone.

     Not a moment later, I saw something glow in the corner of my eye. I turned to the left and watched as a ball of light vanished into thin air. It reappeared a little farther from its original position. I figured that it probably wanted to lead me to the restrooms.

     I naively followed the mysterious ball of light, uttering a 'Hey wait!' here and there, until it brought me in front of two large, no, extra-large doors. They resembled the doors I came through when I entered this freaky magical place. This ball of light had led me to the exit. I smiled brightly in relief and turned around to thank the gracious ball of light. Alas, it was nowhere to be seen.

     "Oh, well. I hope you know how grateful I am," I said. "If you can, then please lead Brenda out too." I felt a little stupid talking to a ball of light but then again, it helped me escape.

     I turned around and faced the door. I took in a deep breath and glared at the doors, literally. It was gigantic which meant that it's heavy. I took a couple of steps back and ran into the doors with all my might. They were much heavier than I'd expected but nothing can defeat a body slam.

     The doors gave away and opened with a bang. I stumbled forward and fell face first. I looked up, excited to see anything but freaky magic things. But unfortunately, I'm destined to have bad luck cling to me. Around me was a damned library. I scrunched my face up in disgust and irritation. I stood up and dusted myself.

     "Curse you, ball of light! Curse you!" I cursed. I didn't care about the fact that I was in a library. "I thought that something was finally on my side for once but no! Everyone and everything is against me! Curse you, you wicked son of a—" I was cut off by a sudden push to my back. I stumbled forward and fell face-first again. I felt a heavy weight on my back. "What the—" Something, or rather someone was sitting on my back, holding me down.

     "Who are you and why are you here?"

     I thought libraries were made to provide knowledge to those who seek it. But my luck is just so damn rotten.

     "Get off me, you freak!" I demanded. I struggled under the weight of this stupid shitty guy, who decided with his low IQ, that I was a horse. I was starting to feel suffocated, all the air in my lungs decided to take a vacation... and never come back. "I-I can't BREATH!" I gasped.

     This world has changed so much. Why has it come to this? An unsuspecting 15-year-old girl cannot enter a library without getting lunged at by some loser with a low IQ. This library is probably filled with savages. I salute you, creator in the skies.


Serene: Hi guys! Yes, we are still alive.

Melody: Sorry for the long wait and thank you for your patience.

Serene: Aight, imma head out.

Melody: But the coron--

Serene: Shhhh... We don't do that here.

Melody: Anyway... Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

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