Chapter 25 - The First Nether Of Our Era Wasn't Me

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     I was once again herded away to some room filled to the brim with the school's officials- the student council members and a few others.

     At this point, I was used to the fact that the entire school was run by the student body.

     "We need to assign more Protectors for Queen," Blade said.

     "Are you sayin' I wasn't doing my job right?" Charles fumed. He balled his fists and harshly slammed the table.

     "Given the recent events and noting that you were never present to protect Queen, I'd say, yes, you weren't doing your job right," Lyerth spat. I was shocked at his tone. I thought Charles and Lyerth were good friends.

     "You-" Charlie placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, getting Charles' attention. They stared at each other until Charles gave up and sat back down in his seat.

     "Moving on," Harmonica said. "In my opinion, Queen does not need any more Protectors than she already has."

     Blade quickly shot a glare at Harmonica. Harmonica paid no attention to him and continued, "Whatever is occurring is the same as what had occurred two years ago when I, the Aether, had awakened."

     "There's a problem though," Zale said.

     "Queen is not as extraordinarily powerful as you, Harmonica." Dianthus finished.

     "I'm still here," I said in a small voice.

     "I say we call for a month-long on-campus lockdown!" Firefly exclaimed. "It'll be like the movies!"

     "This is, quite literally, a matter of life and death," the old man finally spoke. "It shall not be treated like a movie."

     The old man wearily looked around the room until his eyes finally met mine. "I think we need to tell you who he is."

     "Oh," I said. "You mean that guy who was oh so similar to me."

     "Correct." The old man nodded.

     "Before you continue," Harmonica interrupted. All eyes focused on her. Her face was pale and her hands clenched into fists. She averted her eyes and continued, "I'll take my leave, I have some work to do." She abruptly stood up and hurried to the exit.

     "Nica!" Blade called. He hurried after Harmonica.

     "Lover's squabble," Nova nervously laughed.

     "But wait!" Zale said. "We need our Presidents!"

     "They will be fine with any decision Snuff and I make," Nova answered.

     "Are you gonna tell me who he is?" I asked.

     "Sorry for stalling this long," the old man said. "Since the beginning, you had the utmost right to know who he was."

     "Cut the crap and tell me," I said impatiently.

     "He was the presumed Nether," Dianthus said.

     "Presumed..." I repeated. "So he wasn't Nether."

     "Of course not, you are." Firefly said.

     "He was in the same Crystal Group as Blade," Lyerth said.

     Same Crystal Group as Blade... but that means-! "How can that be possible?" I asked. "I thought there can only be four members in each Crystal Group."

     "We thought the same, but we couldn't go against what the Crystal deemed to be right." The old man stated.

     "So..." I trailed. "What's the point of telling me this?"

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