Chapter 21 - Zay Dies But Is Resurrected Before The Next Match

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Stay till the end for character art!


"Queen," he said. "You're weak."

His voice rang in my head as if to make sure those words stuck to me.

"Oh," I said in a quiet voice. "Okay."

"Man, I thought you were the man," Zay stood up. "But that's so not manly."

"No," King said, staring into my hollow eyes with a weird spark. "I didn't mean it in that way."

"Then what did you mean?" Zes pushed as she stood alongside Zay with her hands on her hips.

"I meant," King started. "We've successfully made all our opponents think that Queen is weak."

"I see where you're going...!" Zay chimed. "So, are you saying we're gonna direct the opponents towards Queen and--"

"And then Queen can unleash a full blow?!" Zes finished and jumped in excitement. "That's a great idea!"

"Indeed," King chuckled. He then looked at me with a soft smile. "I didn't mean it in that way. You're strong."

I looked down in embarrassment and tried to control my smile. "Yes, I know..."

"Still as prideful as ever, I see!" Zay laughed heartily as he patted my shoulder.

"Shut up," I said. "Let's go see what's going on out there."

"Let's," Zes said. "But before that, refreshments!" She tossed a bottle of orange juice at me and I reflexively caught it.

"Thanks!" I opened the bottle and emptied it faster than Zay ran because of exhaustion and the wonderful fresh taste of the juice. I tossed the bottle into the bin and walked towards the door. "You guys done or what?"

"No, we were busy watching you drink," Zay chortled. King threw his empty bottle at Zay which successfully hit his head. "Ouch! Why?!" Zay whined.

King ignored Zay's whining and said, "Let's go."

I walked out of the room with the three following behind me. When I turned the corner, I bumped into someone and, in the process, stepped on their foot.

"Watch it!" A girl's voice threatened. I took a step back and bumped into King. "So are you the 'Queen of bumping into people', Queen?" The girl continued.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I didn't see you there."

"You better be able to see me next time," she sneered. Her Crystal Group, which had three other boys, snickered. She spat on the floor right next to my foot and pushed me out of the way. "Later, loser!" Her group followed her and laughed with her.

I watched her walk pridefully with her group and frowned.

"What was that about?" Zes broke the silence.

"Pure bloods," King said.

"What bloods?" Zay asked.

"Your parents haven't already told you about this?" King inquired with slight shock.

The three of us nodded at his question. I'd better ask Harmonica later.

"Fine, I'll tell you." King said. "But let's just get out of here first. I wanna see what's going on out there."

"Right!" Zes cheered. "Of course!"

We walked into the stands with Zes leading the way.

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