Chapter 11

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"Ladies, y'all ready yet?" Chris yelled from the couch as his eyes were glued to the tv.

"Yes!" Carter yelled loudly back from behind him, causing Chris to jump.

"Geez, Carter, you scared the hell out of me," Chris placed his hand on his racing heart.

"Serves you right because 1) You don't yell at women and 2) You never rush a woman getting ready," Carter said with a matter-of-fact tone.

"You taught her well," Chris chuckled as he looked at Y/N.

"Damn right I did," Y/N smiled proudly. "But, to answer your question, yes, we are ready."

"Y'all are going to love Edley's. They have the best banana pudding ever," Chris grabbed his keys.

"Ummm, is it better than your jam?" Y/N asked.

"That's such a rude thing to say!" Carter quickly said defensively. "Nothing will never top Mr. Jam Man's jams. I can't even believe you even let that horrible assumption cross your mind."

Chris chuckled again. He stopped before Y/N's front door as his phone rang. Chris smiled when he saw his younger brother's picture on his phone. "Scotty boy!"

"Who's Scotty Boy?" Carter asked as she put on her jean jacket.

"I'm assuming his brother, Scott," Y/N answered.

Before Carter could respond, Chris bursted with excitement. "You're in town?! That's amazing! Why didn't you tell me?" His smile slowly disappeared and the girls noticed. They wondered if maybe there was some bad news. "Well, I haven't been there in weeks. Look, Scott, I really don't want to get into this, especially over the phone. I'm actually about to take my girls to a nice family dinner- No. I-," Chris sighed. "We have a lot of catching up to do. Can we meet another night?"

"Invite him," Y/N suggested. "We'll order take out and eat here," she added as she realized maybe going to a public restaurant wouldn't be the best place to explain to Scott why Chris had a falling out with his mother.

"Actually, I have a better idea, but it requires you to pick up some pizza on the way," Chris told Scott as he squeezed Y/N's hand, appreciating her suggestion. "No, not my place. I'll text you the address. I'll see you in a bit."

Chris let out a heavy sigh as he hung up. He cleared his throat, "so, my brother is coming over for dinner."

"So we heard," Carter said, unsure if she should be excited about their new visitor tonight.

Y/N gave Chris a half smile as she walked up to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist. "It's going to be fine," she reassured him. "I'm excited to finally meet your brother."

Chris pulled her close, kissing her forehead before he buried his face in the crook of his neck. His muscles relaxed as he took in the sweet scent of her strawberry shampoo.

Scott explained to Chris he had surprised their parents shortly after his plane landed and was shocked to find out Chris hadn't visited or talked in weeks. Although Chris talked to his siblings on a weekly basis, he was hoping none of them would find out he had a falling out with Lisa. It wasn't something he wanted to talk about - let alone explain - over the phone. But, now, he still wasn't ready to tell the story in person.

Carter leaned in from behind her mom and did her best to wrap her arms around both of them. "We'll be here regardless of what happens."

"Thanks kiddo," Chris's heart felt full as he reached an arm to hug her back too. He had no experience being a father, but this was the closest thing to being a father. This particular warm feeling in his heart was a feeling he hadn't experienced before and he kind of liked it. He liked the growing relationship he had with Carter and he was thrilled to see it was mutual. He was thankful it wasn't a situation where she hated him as it does happen in some relationships.

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